Chapter 2: Aith

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Xavier gave me the clearance. I couldn't be happier. I immediately went home.

"Luther." I called a friend I met somewhere.

"Yes, Aith."

"How's business?" I asked as I entered my study. I need to start looking out for my own business.

"Looking good actually."

"Thanks, man."

Multiple investments and I am living comfortably. I leave my business to my loyal friend, Luther. He's also my lawyer.

"You got discharged from your job now?" He asked and I smiled.

"Actually yes." I chuckled.

"Congratulations, man."

"Yeah. But I still want you to handle every business. Im not good with clients and meetings."

"No problem. I can do this easily." I can hear him flipping papers. He must be working. "Rest easy, i'll just drop by for some signatures from you."

"Thanks man." I ended the call.

Now, how to spend my time..

I looked at the book laid in my centerpiece table. Maybe I need to relax again.. at the park. It's been months since I lazed out there.

Pulling my hoodie, I stood up and picked my keys. I also took one thin cloth to spread on the grass. I might fall asleep. Stuffed everything in a small backpack, I went to my bike and drove to my favorite park.

No one is occupying my spot so I lazily strolled towards the biggest tree in the park. I laid the cloth and sat. I forgot about the eyeglasses, the cap and the facemask at home, i shrugged.

Halfway through my book, I heard steps on the concrete stairs. Then the steps quicken.

"He is here."

I heard the person coming spoke. It's the pink girl.

She stood in front of me like she couldn't believe I was in front of her. Her chinky eyes are wide and I can clearly see her cheeks, rosy also her lips that are pink. Her brownish long hair bounced as she paced her step towards me.

"M-Mister.." she whispered.

"Who are you?" I asked as she approached me. She abruptly stopped taking another step.

"You are the guy who reads here," she smiled. "You are the guy who helped me."

"What do you need?"

"Nothing actually." She looked at me. At my face.  "I was always here." Walking again, slowly, to stop in front of me. I could grab her easily by the neck.


She shrugged. "I really don't know. Can I sit beside you?"

Still feeling a bit suspicious of her reason, I kept my guard up.

"Trying to wait for you." She sat beside me. "I feel I haven't thanked you enough that night. She turned to look at me. Stared directly to my dead blue eyes.

"That was enough." I clipped. I want to avert my eyes from her caramel colored irises. It's like she's trying to know me.. trying to know my secrets.


"What?" An unfamiliar feeling emerges. She pulls herself closer to me. Pushing me, now my back is against the picnic cloth, on the grass. Her face, hovering mine.

"You've been gone for a few months and you think I will let you go run free again?" She hissed. Her voice laced with venom.

"Who are you?"

"Hi! I'm Rakel Mira!" She introduced herself. "What's your name?"

She.. is not normal. The sudden shift in her mood is not normal.

"I'm Aithnayn."

I almost laughed. Me, a person molded by the darkness, would be surprised by this small woman. This pastel colored goodness.

"Aithnayn. Pretty name." She giggled. "I wanna know you, Aith." She held out her hand to me, seeking a handshake.

I can't believe her. She already pinned me down but she's acting like she never did.

I reached for her hand and was not surprised on how soft it is against my hard calloused one.

She took out her tablet and started doing something.

I sat and took a peek.

"Working. Continue reading your book." She mumbled as she typed. I shrugged.

I really wanna listen to her voice. I feel she isn't the violent type but she may be the--

I like her. I've long decided that I like her but this discovery made me crave for her more. I want her. I just tried to ignore the nagging feeling inside me because it's just one encounter that made me decide on that. One short encounter and I am willing to put the world in flames for her.

It proved that I am not some hero like normal people want. I would sacrifice the world for this colorful person.

In a snap she turned me into the person I am trying to elude myself into.

I looked at her again and she's focused on her work. Strands of hair fell on the side of her face, I unconsciously tucked it behind her ear.

"Liking me already, Aith?" She smiled not giving me a look.

"I'm trying to decide about that."

"Decide faster, or I will." She spoke with her sweet voice.

"I don't even know if you're worth every big decision in my life." My fingers caressed her cheeks.

"Should I help you decide in a minute?" She grumbled cutely.

My hands stopped caressing her cheeks.

"I need all the help I can."

Yes. I dare her. I dared this girl. I am still not sure if it was just a rush that she managed to pin me earlier and with that voice. She carefully laid the tablet on the cloth and looked at me happily.

"By all means."

She pulled my hoodie and licked my cheek. "Stay still if you can." She bit my earlobe gently.

I am getting the urge to ravish her on the spot.

"Try and fail to restrain yourself."

My hands snaked on her waist and I pulled her to my lap. "You will get us arrested, Rakel Mira."

"No. It's you, who will get us arrested, Aithnayn." She whispered in my ear.

Confident and crazy.

Her parted lips tempt me to just kiss her senselessly.

Her bright caramel eyes can drown me easily in a dream.

I'd take the dream any day.

She's trying to trap me and I am a willing prey.


I can say that not all scary people look scary.

Some, hide in colorful packages.

Aithnayn x Rakel Mira: A Glitch/Dark Xavier FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now