Did he just flirt?

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Chapter 4

I went ahead and told him that i was ready for the test and he could take it.

He agreed and asked for my name, i couldnt believe it was happening. I was finally talking to him even if it was jst professionally. I was talking to him.
I will never forget that moment because i waited so long to talk to him. Endless thoughts, endless imaginary scenarios with my bestie and what not. And then finally, here i was, following his instructions.
He tested some of my moves and then the last thing he asked for the form was my age. To this day, i do not know why i hesitated to tell him my age. I took a 2 second pause, smiled, he smiled too, probably thinking why i was being weird about revealing my age. I said, 21. "Im gonna be 22 in 2 months."
I also dont know why i said that.
Part of me wanted him to know that it was my birthday the next month because some part of me thought that he would take interest in me or he would become my friend but a major part of me also knew that that wasnt going to happen.
You cannot be just friends with anyone you wish according to your will if the other person doesnt want it.
"I am 21." I said
He wrote it down.
Now this was the only chance where it would make sense to ask him about his age because it wouldnt look suspicious.
"Whats your age?" I asked acting completely casual, like i hadnt been trying to find this about himself for a long time.
"What do you think?" He said

I was in awe.
Did he jst try to be informal with me?
Did he just flirt?
I did not expect him to have this informal conversation with me at all because he always looked so serious and professional. I expected him to just say his age number and get done with the question.
"Am, i think you are my age."

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