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All of us watched some horror movies on the TV for a few hours. So by the time we were tired of watching movies, it was already around 12:30 in the morning. That meant the next day had started and we hadn't even slept. But how could we?! Teenagers aren't supposed to be sleeping on field trips. They are supposed to be partying all night and play dumb games. The most horrible thing, Peter was still working! After switching off the TV, we all stared at Peter working in his office. He was looking over some documents and was so absorbed in his work he didn't even notice us staring at him. He held his forehead in his hand as if he was having a headache and then looked at his computer's screen and started typing something. It was about 20 minutes later that he noticed all of us were looking at him absorbed in his work.

He looked at us as if he was questioning us staring at him. That is when I got up from my place on the sofa and entered his office. I went up to him and tried to drag him out. He had been working for hours! He would have been exhausted. He overworks himself most of the time. He just doesn't realise the time he spends working.

But I couldn't drag him cause of his super-strength obviously.

Peter- "Why are you dragging me?"


Peter- "No, I don't need to go out."

MJ- "Yes you do!"

Peter- "No!"

MJ- "Yes!"

After a lot of argument, he gave up as he realised that he wouldn't win against me. He finally got up and came out. The entire class was still staring at him weirdly, probably cause he was being so stubborn to WORK! I mean who wants to WORK!?

After an entire minute, someone shouted really loud.


Everyone hoots loudly. Karen hears this and turns on the colorful disco lights and Peter and I go to the kitchen to get the snacks.

All of us party till like 3 in the morning. We played games, chatted, and ultimately got to know a lot about each other. All of us fell asleep at 3 or around the time. And it was quite a fun night.

Peter's POV

All of my classmates fell asleep around 3 except me. I went back to my office and worked till like 6 in the morning. Uncle Bradley also didn't force me to sleep cause this was usually the amount of time I spent on work. Around 6, I went back to where all of my friends were sleeping, in the living room scattered. Some were on the sofa, some on the ground. So I just went and fit myself up somewhere between MJ and Ned.

After a few hours, at around 8, I woke up realising I was late and got up to get a shower and get ready. I wore my formal business suit with formal shoes and did my hair nicely for the meetings. I had a meeting in the morning so I didn't want to waste my time changing again and again during the day. Then, I went in the kitchen, and saw breakfast already made for me and my friends by Aunt Bella. I quickly started eating my breakfast. A bite every now and then as I was rushing through the house.

Peter- (to Karen) "Wake up the others will you Karen?"

Karen- (to the class) "Peter has asked me to wake up all of you. It is time to return to the tower."

All of them woke up lazily, stretching and confused where they were.

I went to them, where my breakfast was kept, and wished them a good morning.

Peter- "Good morning guys! We need to return to the tower in 30 minutes so just get freshened up. Change your clothes if you want, we have new pairs in the bathroom for each of you. And move quickly. Breakfast is kept there."

All of them groaned but woke up and surprisingly, got ready in 30 minutes. We went to the basement and I asked Karen to display all the convertibles. The class looked in awe at all of my cars and I told MJ to choose one. She pointed at one and we sat in that car with the same seat arrangement as last night. As we sat, I took my bag and took out documents in the car and my coffee that I brought from home.

Peter- (to Karen) "Karen, auto mode."

The car started driving itself and I started reviewing my documents one last time. The class was very silent as I talked to Karen, listening each and every word attentively.

Peter- (to Karen) "Karen, tell me my schedule for today."

Karen- "Peter, you have an upcoming meeting in 2 hours. In total, you have 10 meetings with business people, stockholders and others. And you also have 5 projects to submit by today. And you have to complete your homework as well."

Peter- (to Karen) "Karen, just do my homework for me will you?"

Karen- "I cannot do that according to 'Kid, do your homework' protocol."

Peter- (to Karen) "Cancel the protocol and just do the work."

Karen- "I cannot cancel the protocol according to 'Tony knows best' protocol."

Peter- "Ugh, I'm gonna kill him as soon as I see him."

The class was laughing at this. MJ had tears in her eyes and was sure to tell dad about this incident as soon as she saw him.

Flash- "But, wait. Can you do that much work?"

Peter- "That's medium level work. I'll complete that in max 10 hours including the meetings and the homework."

Everyone was shocked at my capacity of doing work. Well, I am a hard-worker. Not to brag or anything.

Author's Note

Hi guys! So, a new chapter. I don't have anything to tell you guys about. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and please vote if you did! Also, thank you guys so much for all the support you have given me in this book and the previous one. Have fun reading!


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