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Peter's POV

So, the day had finally come. The day of the press conference. The last day of me using the name 'Peter Parker'. After today, I would be known as 'Peter Stark' to the entire world. I was getting ready, when dad came to give me a little pep talk.

Tony- "Someone's looking ready for the press conference."

Peter- "Only on the outside. On the inside, I'm freaking out."

Tony- (chuckling) "Yeah yeah. So, a little pep talk. Just don't freak out when you see so many reporters. Don't respond to any questions that you feel are uncomfortable. Just say that you're not comfortable sharing the answer to the question. I know you don't have stage fright so you don't have the serious kind of nervousness that you'll freeze on stage and stuff. And just relax. I'll do the announcement. Just stand by my side and if someone asks you a question, just look confident and reply. There will be many questions for you but if I think that there are too many, I'll interrupt and end the conference. You got it, ok?"

Peter- "Yeah, I got it. I've presented my idea in front of so many people. I can do it."

Tony- "That's the spirit! Now, let's go."

I walked behind dad to the meeting hall where I saw many reporters and cameramen standing below the stage. Dad walked on the stage in confidence, while I took a deep, relaxing breath off-stage and then walked onto the stage to stand beside dad. Dad started the conference and cameras started flashing as soon as he spoke up.

Tony- "Good afternoon to all. I have called you all here to a press conference for an important announcement. Pepper Potts, CEO of Stark Industries and I, Tony Stark, have decided who the new heir of SI should be. I would like to introduce you all to the young man standing beside me, Peter Stark, who is the heir of Stark Industries. He will be managing the company after Pepper and I will retire. I also want to inform all of the people that Peter is also my son."

Reporter 1- "I have a question, Mr. Stark! Why did you hide your child's identity?"

Tony- "That is because if my name was associated with his, he would get special treatment and he and I both wanted for him to have a normal life. He would be given a lot of unnecessary attention otherwise, which he does not like."

Reporter 2- "I have a question for Mr. Peter! How do you feel about this sir?"

Peter- "Oh um, please call me Peter and don't call me sir. I'm much younger than all of you here. And I feel really glad that I'm being handed over such a big company. However, I have a huge responsibility with it. A wise person once told me, 'With great power, comes great responsibility'."

And the press conference continued for another hour and ended well. It wasn't as bad as I thought. We exited the stage and then, came the hugs. Mom was backstage so it was obvious that she would hug me.

Pepper- (hugging Peter tightly) "Oh, I'm so proud of you! You were amazing!"

Peter- "Thanks mom but I need to breathe."

Pepper- (separating Peter from the hug) "Don't lie, you love it."

Peter- "I do but I also need to breathe if I want to live."

Mom started laughing that is when dad came and gave me a side hug.

Tony- "You're the perfect CEO."

Peter- "Oh, stop praising me already! I know I'm amazing and all but I've got enough praise for today."

Tony- (laughing) "Don't let it get to your head."

We went home and ate dinner. I was fine the entire time but as soon as I realized that I had to go to school tomorrow, all my relaxation went away. My biggest challenge was yet to come.

Author's Note

Hi guys! So sorry for the late update, I had a lot of stuff going on. But to make it up to you guys, I'll upload a chapter either today or tomorrow. Hope you had fun reading and please vote! Thank you all for so many views and so much support!! See ya'll soon!


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