S2 PT5: 98.7

123 0 6

Camp 98.7

The bus stops. Uzi and her classmates exit the vehicle.

Uzi is the last one to exit. But Thad stays there for her. Waiting for her at the door. Making Uzi slightly blush. Thad holds her hand and helps her get out.

The campers look around, taking photos and walking around. The teacher's ontop of the bus. Simply chillin'.

"Yeah, Uzi's idea. Ask her."


"I've sat next to you for years."

"Oh да, everyone's scared of the emo purple gremlin grape (;"

Olga, for fucks sake I'M THE NARRATOR! And you're currently flying after N and V.

"Sry! Couldn't resist."

Anyway. Back to the campers.

"So we're just unsupervised?"

No they aren't! 2 dissasembly drones land right infront of the campers, causing them all to gasp or scream. Caught off guard.

The 2 dissasembly drones retract their wings and menacingly. Slowly. Turn their heads to the campers... with wide Xs on their visors.

Both suddenly turn to rhe campers on instant. Their Xs dissapear.

"Welcome campers! Let's sound off! One, Two..." N points at one of the campers, holding a clipboard in his hand.

Everyone looks confused and shocked. Scared too. The campers simply freeze in place. Flabbergasted.

V fires a single bullet in the visor of a blue-ish eyed worker drone, killing him right on the spot. He instantly falls to the ground.

Everyone takes a moment to proccess what just happened.

Everyone shouts overlapped numbers on instant. Saluting. With wide eyes. No one wants to get shot today! Hehehe.

"That's everyone,
Minus one." Gives V a frustrated look

"We've got so many distracting activities planned! So no sneaking off to investigate stuff!" Looks at Uzi

"To the bunks!" N starts to walk off, but no one follows him. He looks back at the campers and stops walking. Everyone still looks scared.

Uzi is about to speak up, but Lizzy and Thad speak up first.

"Sounds good N!"

"Anything for my bestie."

Thad stands beside N. Lizzy fist bumps with V and stands beside her.

The campers light up a little, less scared now. But their eyes widen in T e r r o r again, as Uzi speaks up.

"Y-yeah! They're, like, my friends, too. So, It's cool." Blushes

Uzi tries to join on in and get atleast a little bit of recongition from her classmates. Resulting in everyone screaming and running away from the purple haired... uhh. What did Olga call her?

"Да? You call'd meh?"

Nuh uh.

Right. A purple emo grape.
The campers run to dissasembly drone duo, not exactly liking the idea of being near Uzi.

"You can be our friend, little guy!" Holds N's hand

"Poor thing's defective." Pokes V

V grabs Darren's hand. Not really liking... him poking her visor.

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