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In the king's bedchambers, Kyle stood with a solemn expression, his gaze fixed on the ailing monarch seated before him.His father, The king of Ris dynasty. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across the ornate chamber were the monarch himself was seared next to his bed,The atmosphere among them were lending an air of gravity to the impending conversation.

"Kyle," the king's voice was weak yet commanding, "you know the situation our dynasty faces."

Kyle nodded, though his heart clenched with apprehension. "Yes, Father. The future of Ris Dynasty weighs heavily upon us."

"And upon you," the king added, his eyes holding a mixture of pride and concern. "As my heir, you must be prepared for the responsibilities that come with the crown."

Kyle swallowed hard, sensing the direction of the conversation. "I am ready to serve our kingdom in any capacity, Father."

The king leaned forward slightly, his voice barely above a whisper. "The time has come for you to take an empress."

The words hung in the air, heavy with implication. Kyle's heart skipped a beat as he struggled to mask his inner turmoil. "An empress, Father?"

"Yes," the king confirmed, his tone unwavering. "To secure alliances and ensure the stability of our realm."

A wave of conflicting emotions surged through Kyle. "But what about... Nattrin?"

The king's expression softened, a hint of sympathy in his eyes. "Nattrin is dear to you, I know. But this decision is not just about personal desires. It is about the future of our dynasty."

Kyle clenched his fists, the weight of duty pressing down on him. "I understand, Father."

The king nodded, a silent acknowledgment of the difficult path ahead. "Choose wisely, Kyle. The fate of Ris Dynasty rests upon your shoulders."

As Kyle bowed respectfully and left the chamber, his mind raced with thoughts of Nattrin and the impossible choice he now faced. The grandeur of the palace walls seemed to close in around him, echoing the silent struggle of his heart against the constraints of royalty and tradition.

As Kyle emerged from his father's chambers, his steps heavy with the weight of the news he had just received, a sense of urgency gripped him. The burden of an impending marriage to a new empress weighed heavily on his shoulders, threatening to suffocate his hopes and dreams.

With determination etched on his face, Kyle wasted no time in issuing commands to one of his trusted guards. "Fetch Nattrin from his chambers," he instructed, his voice betraying the turmoil within.

The guard, recognizing the gravity of Kyle's tone, nodded silently and hurried off to carry out his lord's orders.

Meanwhile, Kyle paced restlessly in the corridor outside his father's chambers, his mind swirling with a maelstrom of emotions. He longed to know Nattrin's thoughts, to seek solace and guidance from the one person who understood him like no other.

Minutes passed like hours as Kyle awaited Nattrin's arrival, each second stretching taut with anticipation and uncertainty. The flickering torches cast dancing shadows on the stone walls, mirroring the tumultuous dance of emotions raging within Kyle's heart.

Finally, the sound of approaching footsteps broke the tense silence. Nattrin appeared, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity as he met Kyle's gaze.

"Kyle, what is it?" Nattrin's voice was soft, tinged with apprehension.

Without preamble, Kyle spoke, his words tumbling out in a rush. "My father has decreed that I must take a new empress. I... I don't know what to do, Nattrin. I need to know what you think, what you feel about this."

Nattrin's eyes widened in surprise, then softened with understanding. "Kyle, we knew this day might come. Our love was never meant to be an easy path."

"I know," Kyle whispered, anguish etched in every line of his face. "But facing it now, it feels like... like the end of everything we hoped for."

Nattrin reached out, his hand finding Kyle's in a gesture of comfort and solidarity. "We will face this together, Kyle. Whatever the future holds, we will face it together."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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