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Hello everyone! Sorry but I don't wanted to separate this story so I thought of putting this story once and for final. If you have any suggestions please be free to tell me asap.
* An imaginary story not copied from any other writers*
*Don't repost this , but if you want to please give credits because I have made efforts for doing that.


Once upon a time, in a bustling town filled with cobblestone streets and flowering gardens, there lived a young woman named Olivia. She was well-settled, with a loving family and a comfortable home. However, as tradition dictated, her family was eager to see her married, and thus began the search for a suitable husband.

Olivia, with her free spirit and dreams of adventure, was not keen on the idea of marriage. Yet, out of respect for her family, she agreed to meet potential suitors. The day arrived when a young man named Jacob was to visit. He was a direct and career-focused individual who, like Olivia, had little interest in marriage. But to appease his parents, he had reluctantly agreed to meet her.

As Olivia's parents and Jacob's family made formal introductions, Olivia felt a flutter of nerves. She had always been independent, and the thought of marriage felt like a chain around her future. Jacob, on the other hand, was calm and collected, his mind occupied with business plans rather than wedding bells.

When the families suggested that Olivia and Jacob should talk privately, they retreated to the balcony, a place that would soon become their sanctuary. Without mincing words, Jacob confessed that he had no intention of marrying her and was only there to satisfy his parents' wishes. To his surprise, Olivia expressed the same sentiment, revealing that she had a crush on someone else and wished to marry him instead.

"Why don't you tell that to your parents?" Jacob asked, genuinely curious.

Olivia sighed, "I don't know if he feels the same way about me."

Jacob proposed that they should simply reject each other, but Olivia hesitated, fearing her parents' disappointment. Jacob, too, was wary, as it was not his first time rejecting a match, and he dreaded his parents' reaction.

In a moment of shared understanding, Olivia suggested a plan. "Why don't we pretend to be engaged for a while? We can act as if we're planning our wedding, and after some time, we'll have a big fight and call it off."

Jacob considered the proposal. It was unconventional, but it would give them both a reprieve from their parents' expectations. After a moment of thought, he agreed.

And so, their charade began. As they spent time together under the pretense of wedding preparations, they discovered a friendship neither expected. Conversations flowed easily, and laughter became a common sound between them. In the company of one another, they found a comfort that was both surprising and welcome.

But as fate would have it, the lines between pretense and reality began to blur. Olivia found herself looking forward to their meetings, not as a means to an end, but as the highlight of her day. And Jacob, who had never allowed himself the luxury of dreaming, started to envision a future that included Olivia by his side.

As Jacob and Olivia continued to spend time together, their families observed their growing camaraderie with delight, mistaking their easy rapport for blossoming love. During one of their many conversations, Jacob inquired about Olivia's crush, a topic that seemed trivial to him but was a matter of the heart for Olivia.

"His name is Adrian," Olivia confided, her voice softening at the mention of his name. "We were colleagues, and he was always so kind to me. I didn't realize when my feelings for him changed from friendship to something more."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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