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(Right)Layla Marie Smith , (middle)Leilani Da'Nae Rose , (left)Leo Miguel Santiago - the siblings
Jordan and Kandice - parents
Stepfather - Anthony

Layla's Pov -

"Mom I don't want to move back to San Diego , there's a lot of things I need to handle down here and I can't just get up and leave . " I whined to my mom who was not convinced what so ever.

"If this is about your grades , I already talked to your teacher and I already filled out the transfer papers for the high school down there ." My mom said as I was growing annoyed. She did not know I was in the drug business but she knew my sister was .

"Mom that is not the reason , I don't want to go back there with you . All you want to do is go see that man who's always beating your ass ! " that was one of the remarks I gave her and she already knew what was going to happen if she kept talking to me about moving there . I know I'm not going and that's a fact . I'm 16 years old and feel like I can take care of myself If it bars down to it , I have no problem staying at Tete Linda house until I get stabled.

"LAYLA MARIE SMITH ! How dare you talk to me that way ? You are my child and you are going whether you like it or not . " She said walking off. Mama said I was going but I had a talk with everybody else already and knew what the outcome would be . I had already killed 6 people in the past year and I'm not afraid to add my bitch ass step father if he laid a hand on my mother again . She never was around me only until I got home at almost or close to 12 each night . She didn't ever think about putting 2 and 2 together so that's one of the reasons she never found out about what I was doing . Sad to say I didn't really treat her like she was a mother to me . TeLinda was more of my mom then she was .

"Mom I'm saying this once , and only one time. " I said calmly waiting for her to turn around before proceeding to what I had to say. "I am not moving back to San Fransisco , I know where I want to be and you're not making Leilani go so I can stay with her . I already got her approval so now I am staying . I don't care what you do or say I'm not leaving ." I said managing to get my words together before walking away .
"Why is that you want to stay here so bad ? Tell me Layla ! And I don't want you to lie to me or I'll make your ass go and we'll stay down there until you get yourself together." She said as I realized I actually needed to tell her the honest truth or she was going to make me go, but how exactly do I tell my mother that 3 years ago I joined the drug business and was two steps to the top with my cousins and sister.
"You might wanna take a seat, so I can explain to you the whole truth." I said as I motioned her towards the couch letting her get comfortable .
"Okay , now what is it ?" She asks me as I can tell she has worry in her eyes , knowing that I was about to tell her some bad news .

" 3 years ago I joined the drug business to get a little extra money , it was nothing at first because I stood on the corner hustling with my sister and cousins ." I saw her frown and I slowed down because I knew she was heated .
"So why is that you don't wanna leave , yo te amo - " I stopped her as she began to speak her original language which was Spanish
"Mom I love you too , but I have to finish telling you the whole story . " I said stopping to receive her permission to proceed with my story .
"Uncle Diego saw how well I was hustling on the block and moved me up 2 ranks and now I work in the warehouse . Since I've started the warehouse job I can't just up and leave . That's not loyal to the person who I am becoming or the people who are helping me out , and I am not going because if hear or see that man put his hands on you I'll kill his ass , no exceptions " that finished off my story and I was mad as fuck . I didn't want her to say a word to me or we was gone have a few problems ...

2 months earlier

All i heard was loud banging on the door and knew it was my auntie Linda with her little girl Kacie who was about the same age as Leo, 21 months .
"Open The damn door Laylay ! " she protested as I could hear her Spanish accent that was heavier than my mom and me put together . She had a hard time pronouncing some of the English words but you could still understand her .

"I'm coming ! Let me get out the damn bed first" I screamed from the guest bedroom that was on the first floor of our apartment .
"Hurry up ! I ain't got all damn day li gal , you should have been up doing your job ! " she practically screamed but hushed as she must have realized my mom didn't know I was a drug dealer . I opened the door and looked at her with amazement wondering were the hell she was about to go at 8:46 in the morning all dressed up .
"Wea you bout to go ?" I asked like I was her mother .
"Bout my business" she said and continued "everything's in the bag for this little guh and I should be back around 3:30 not later , and take care of my little miracle ." She said walking out the door . And I was positive me and the little ones was about to have a blast . TeLinda always paid me every time I watched Kacey so it wasn't a big deal . That's when the door swung open scaring the lord knows what out me , but I calmed down when I saw my older sister Leilani walk in the door .

"Hey Lei" I said waiting for her response to what I had just said . She rolled her eyes playfully and nodded without saying a word to me . I wondered what was going on in her head and why all of a sudden she not speaking when she walk in da house .
"So you're not going to speak with you mouth or do I have to do it for you?" As I threatened her
"Damn shawdy who woke you up this morning ?" She asked
"Mama got on my nerves last night with that ugly ass mf in San Fransisco , and TeLinda woke me up this morning . " I answered her while she could tell I was growing annoyed . My sister know me so well , better then my own mama knew me .
I saw Lei walk into the kitchen were I knew mama was hovering over the stove cooking breakfast for everyone that was just gonna pop up like always and the people who lived in the house with us .

I could only love my mother for what she do for us , but she make these dumb ass decisions that make me want to slap the shit out her . Then I start to remind my self that's She's my mom

This is the very beginning of this book and I hope you guys enjoyed the introduction .
Nick names ;
Layla - lay or Laylay
Leilani - lei , nini , lani
Leo - baby blue , or Leo
Kacey - kaykay or miracle

Leilani name is pronounced
( lay - lie - né )

Everyone is mixed in this book . So it's not a racial thing . Layla and her sibling are black and Mexican , her mom is Latino and Their dad is black . I still try and put pics up each chapter if I don't then I'm sorry .

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