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I spent the rest of my days in hospital. Once I found out I was able to use crutches, I was out. Dom contacted me, he was wondering when I'd get out and then I heard that there was going to be a 'get together' this afternoon. 

Of course I was going, I missed seeing my family most of the time. I also happened to tell Dom that I'd get out of hospital next week. I contacted my brother for a ride.

"Hello?" He answered. "Hey Bri, mind giving me a ride?" I asked him. "Sure, I'll be there in a sec" He ended the call as I got into some spare clothes. I was finally able to see my family again.

I sat in the chair that was next to my hospital bed, then I saw Brian walking through the door. "Hey" I smiled and tried to get up, using my crutches. "Whoa, whoa, whoa" He quickly came to my side and helped me. 

"I'm fine, I need the practice anyway" I finally was able to get up. "Whatever you say, you ready?" He grabbed my bags. "Yep, let's go" I smiled as we walked out of the hospital and headed towards

We finally arrived at the spot. "Oh this is great" I sighed. The only way up was the staircase. Brian laughed. "And why are you laughing?" I spoke. "Nothing, let's go" Brian hopped out of the car. "This is gonna take a while" I got out of Brian's car and walked inside.


Everyone was doing their own thing. Dom didn't feel great, he missed the two most important people in his life. The O'Connors. He knew both of them weren't able to make it today due to one still in the hospital and the other looking after his kids.

"Ah hang on a second. This could be interesting" Mr. Nobody spoke. Deckard finally showed up... with baby Toretto. Deck walked towards Dom and placed baby Toretto on top of the table. "What made you think i'd do it?" Deckard asked.


"I saw that look you gave Cipher, knew you wanted revenge. Glad I did it" Dom shook Deckard's hand. "I can't believe you went to see my mother" Deckard shook his head as the two laughed.


Everyone was about to gather around the table, Emma finally reached the top of the building. "Holy Mother of God! Finally" She struggled to breathe. "Good job sis" Brian patted her back. "After you" He spoke and opened the door for Emma as she limped her way through.

"Deckard, you might wanna turn around" Mr. Nobody tapped Deck's shoulder. Deckard turned around and noticed the love of his life standing in front of him. "Emma" He smiled and walked towards her. "Hello Deck" Emma smiled as the two hugged each other.

"I thought you were out next week?" Emma heard a familiar voice. "Dominic Toretto" She smiled as Dom side hugged her. Deckard knew Emma wanted to talk with Dom so he backed away.

"So what's all this?" Dom referred to the relationship between Emma and Deck. "Here I thought you already knew but you don't" Emma sighed. She though Dom knew about her and Deckard's relationship but looks like he doesn't.

"Look, if he makes you happy then I'm happy okay? but I swear to God if he..." Dom started. "Okay, okay. Luckily he won't do that because I really think he's the one for me Dom" Emma smiled. "Good" Dom smiles.

Dom then noticed that Brian was also here. "Go say hi" Emma smiled at Dom. "You O'Connors sure know how to make an entrance" Dom laughed and walked towards Brian. Deckard walked back towards Emma. "Missed me?" Emma asked. "I sure did" Deckard held Emma's waist. 

Little did Emma know, Dom and Brian were suspiciously watching her and Deckard. "She's all grown up now" Dom told Brian. "Yeah, I can't believe it. I swear, yesterday felt like she was only 10 years old" Brian smiled.

"Alright, let's eat" Roman yelled as everyone gathered around the table. Dom stood up. "You've heard me say that you never turn your back on family and I wanna thank you all for never turning your back on me" Dom spoke.

Emma sat next to Deckard, Deckard had his hand on Emma's thigh as Emma had her arm around Deck's shoulders. "You wanna meet 'em?" Dom spoke to his son.

"All right, everyone... meet Brian"

Emma looked at Brian, Brian teared up. Everyone applauded. "To Brian!" They all shouted. "Welcome to the family, Brian" Roman smiled. "okay, I guess it's my turn to say grace" Dom sat down. 

"We thank you for giving us family, we sit here in praise. Thank you for giving us the strength..."

you don't turn your back on family, even when they do
- Dominic Toretto

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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