Ch-7 (Pleasures)

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Ella's pov

"Wait let me open" he murmured, i don't know why but he's kinda like a gentleman but why is he famous for being mean and cold. I should ask that. But wait if he's famous for being rude and cold then why girls die for him? His money? Maybe. His looks? Probably. His body? Ofcourse.

He goes to gym and I had already seen his Insta page where he posts himself. He also posted his physique and that was fucking attractive. I should compliment him too.

I was in his Maybach which is cool.

"Um can I say something to you?" I inquired

"Yes?" He said softly

"You're kind" I mumbled

"Well--nobody had said this to me, never" he stated

"But you're" I said

"Mmhn, your words mean to me"

I mean to him

he added, one hand on the steering wheel while second on the gear. Looking absolutely hot.

"Well samaksh? What type of girls do you like?" Breath Ella breath i literally risked my life to ask this fucking question. But why did I even asked that? I don't know.

"Um this is a Lil suspicious but anyways I like quite girls who minds her own business" he stated

Um I'm quite the opposite of it well argh anyways. I don't have to impress him nor i want to. It was just my curiosity. I swear cause I don't want to make the atmosphere awkward and silent.

After he answered my question i didn't replied back and went silent for 10mintues. Tf I really want to know his fav colour and his favourite street food. It might be panipuri. Should I ask him? I will ask this question some other day.

Wait should I ask him?... anyways. The silence in the car was getting awkward not for him but for me.

He sped up and i suddenly grabbed his shoulder and closed my eyes because I don't have a habit of being in a car which is fast asf like it's dangerous.

He came back to normal speed and I left his shoulder and made an sudden eye contact.

"Why are you so quit hmm?, maybe because I like quite girl? He stated breaking up the silence

I was silent not because I want to impress him I was silent because I thought that it might be irritating if I continue to yap so much.

"Hey, no you're taking it in a wrong way, focus on driving and don't be delusional mr batman" I gave him a quick nickname as it came in my mind because he don't usually sleep much at night. Lakshya told me this and maybe he saves the city at night. Whatever ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

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