Ch-4 (Past notion)

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Elora's pov

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Elora's pov

Morning, a stressful Morning. Weekend is over, Monday, Hate it. I woke up, took a shower and got ready for the college. Ruhi came up to me and said Samaksh will be coming today to our College. I'm literally tired of watching his face as my body is too reactive towards him and he's able to recognise it any wayy. In basic words I am ashamed to talk to him because I can't make a comeback around him.why? I don't know.

Ruhi had already gone to the college as lakshya came to pick her up. I have been noticing it since a week that they are in touch nowadays. There is no If and but in that, that ruhi looks so beautiful and she don't give a damn to the boys and all. And most of the boys are attracted towards her. While Vani is the savage one in our group she gives the coolest replies of all time and now how can I forgot Amayra. She shift 6 months ago and we miss her so much she is the quite and calm girl of our group with lot of patience and I am the total opposite of her full Chaos, 24/7 energetic. I am so excited to meet her as she is the only reason of 'me putting efforts for our plan'.

Me and Vani  reached to the college and the entrance was decorated because Samaksh was coming to our college today. Like they don't have to decorate it this much. It will be simple meeting and they're doing these things. Inappropriate.

"Vani why is this decorated so much like it's a simple meeting today with Samaksh right?"
I asked Vani

"Bruhh, girl don't you know that he's a billionaire and for him our college is literally like a local grocery shop, it's so rare that he himself is coming because most of the time his education branch manager goes to schools/colleges for all the stuff, so for us it's fucking awesome that he's coming to our college."
Vani told me making me feel as a girl with dumb fat ass. I do not have fat ass. Anyways.

"Oh-ok" i replied

"Oh-ok" i replied

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Author's pov

(It's just an explanation if you want to read it then read, it's suggested not necessary)

Samaksh Had a meeting with the college in  which Elora is studying. He has a lot of organisation and one of them is the education one so one of his employees/manager will get the position of the president of the college. It's not like that, that Samaksh will handle it all.

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