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At nine in the morning, as parents send their children off to school, office workers knot their shoelaces and bid farewell to their families before heading to work. Meanwhile, restaurants and cafes lower their blinds, ready to welcome their esteemed guests. The mailman diligently delivers everyone's mail on his trusty bicycle. It's just another ordinary day in our daily lives, and amidst it all, Yuki and y/n are preparing breakfast together in their cozy trailer by the serene lake.

Suddenly an eerie silence enveloped Japan, a sudden jolt shook the ground beneath their feet. A 6.5 magnitude earthquake had left everyone frozen in shock. But what truly sent chills down their spines was the moans that seemed to echo from all directions, like the haunting cries of a hurt animal.

After holding a sandwich close to his mouth for a few minutes as y/n sat on the edge of his bed, his mouth agape in confusion. He asked the most stupid question known to mankind, "Was that an earthquake?". Yuki stopped washing the dishes and quickly dried her hands on her shirt. The earthquake was so powerful that it restored the signal on their old-fashioned cable TV, and the news channel started playing. "Grab the bike, y/n. We're leaving," she said in a hurry. Y/n nodded and immediately stood up, grabbing the keys from the hook behind the door, he walked outside where Yuki's motorbike was parked behind the trailer. He inserted the key into the ignition, but clearly had no idea how to start a bike, so he resorted to pushing it towards the front door of the trailer.

Yuki slammed the door shut and locked it behind her, storming towards her bike. "Can you believe it? Not a single sorcerer is willing to help with this mess! They don't care about the people who's lives are at stake," she ranted, annoyance clear in her voice and body language as she mounted her bike. Y/n furrowed his brow, sorcerers? monsters? what is she ranting about?, "Gojo is off in Africa, and now I'm the only special grade left to handle this while keeping you safe at the same time," she continued, hastily putting on her helmet. Y/n didn't catch everything she said, but he was fine with staying behind if he was causing trouble. "I'll just stay at the trailer and watch a movie until you get back," he offered. "That's the issue! That monster is after you for some reason," she exclaimed, frustrated. "AND NO MOVIES!" she yelled, revving the engine and speeding away, leaving a cloud of dust behind.


"ALRIGHT I WANT EVERYONE ON THE LEFT WING, TO GO ACROSS THE MAIN BUILDING AND FORM A BARRICADE! AND THE RIGHT WING WILL ESCORT THE CIVILIANS TO SAFETY! ONLY THE FRONTLINES WILL ENGAGE IN COMBAT!", The chief of police barked into his transmitter, dust swirled around him as he hid behind his car, surrounded by rubble and fallen concrete, he's severely injured and won't be making it out of here alive. It was hard to see where the attack was coming from but so far it was clear that the threat lurking amidst the clouds of dust was one singular entity, far beyond what can be considered human.

A message came back to him from the transmitter, but before he could receive it someone else snatched it from his hand. He got startled and looked up to see a tall woman with blonde hair standing behind him with a lithe boy who was holding a helmet in his hands.

"SIR! THE BUILDING HAS BEEN OVERTHROWN! THE LEFT WING HAS NOWHERE TO ESCAPE, SIR!", the man on the other side screamed. Yuki, Y/n and the chief looked to their right and in the sky above they could see through the blanket of dust, the building tilting down as chunks of rubble broke out of it, loud sounds of metal bending filled the air as the ground shook upon impact. On top of the falling building there was small figure, the silhouette of a bear like shape. And there was an eerie feeling to it, like that silhouette was looking back at them too, it's intentions yet unclear.

Suddenly there was that loud moan again as the small figure leaped high up into the sky. It slowly grew larger and larger and larger until it crashed right in front of them, forming a huge crater in the road and suddenly the chief of police's car was kicked aside into the nearby wall. The cloud of dust cleared and the face of that giant silhouette became clear. 

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