you can fall for me slowly

497 13 6

She woke up at around seven in the morning. The fabric of her pillow had left imprints on her face. Thankfully her boobs didn't spill out this time. She sat up and looked over at y/n's bed on her right but he wasn't there.

"hm?", she scratched the side of her head

She lazily brushed her teeth and combed her hair in front of the mirror.
Y/n wasn't in the kitchen either, he did make her breakfast but it just didn't feel the same with him not around.

She went outside and he wasn't by the lake either. "Where'd he go?", she muttered to herself


His hair are messy and spikey that once used to be in a neat side partition. The plated white shirt he used to wear, it's long gone, and floating somewhere in the lake.

Now he wears a tight red leather jacket showcasing his washboard abs. A burning matchstick is clenched between his teeth. Old style black shoes that have metal stitched to the heels. And dickhead sunglasses over his eyes.

He took the burning matchstick out of his mouth and squashed it on the wooden table in front of the bald fat man who was sitting behind it. The fat bald man ran an illegal underground fighting arena in the city. He crossed his arms and leaned back into his chair as he scanned y/n up and down.

"And what the fuck are you supposed to be?",

"I'll fight", y/n answered, taking out a crumbled donut from his jacket's inner pocket and taking a bite out of it.

"This is no place for you kid, get moving", the fat man chuckled. Y/n didn't budge from his place and raised his eyebrows at him. The fat man sighed and gestured at the tall hunky bouncer standing in the room to shoo him off.

The bouncer walked up to y/n and placed a hand on his chest. "Are we looking for trouble?", he growled at him. Y/n turned his head to him "I am trouble", he said and spit the donut on his face. The bouncer shoved him back towards the door, Y/n caught the doorframe as he was falling back and propelled himself forward and headbutted the bouncer, he took another bite from his donut. The bouncer stumbled back and caught his nose with his hand, a maroon snot of blood trailed off from his nostril. "HEY! NOT IN MY OFFICE!", The fat man banged his table. The bouncer loaded his fist and stepped towards y/n. Y/n threw the remaining donut at his face and when he was close enough a lightning fast punch came and crashed upon his chin. The bouncer's jaw made a loud crack as he fell limp upon the floor.

The fat man stood up, his mouth ajar in awe. He hurried out of his chair and lifted y/n's hand with a wide grin. "We have a deal!! You will fight tonight!! This is- This is amazing! HAHA!", He shook his hand and cackled with a greedy gleam in his eye.


Yuki was getting more and more worried as the hours went by. "I'll have to buy him a phone", she muttered to herself as she skipped stones in the lake by herself. She never had trouble being alone before, if she ever got bored she would just venture out on her bike and go wherever the road takes her. She never needed anyone in her life to accompany her. Though she only knew him for two days, she had to admit that she felt empty now that he wasn't here.

So she locked the trailer and went looking for him in her motorbike.


"Who?", Y/n's old landlady squinted at her. "The guy who lived here? You kicked him out a few days ago, remember?", Yuki said, her dome helmet tucked under her arm.

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