I am a stray dog

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(I'm going to up the level with my stories, is what I'm telling myself rn)

Let me paint a mental scenery for you. Gaurd rails by the slopes of the grass which lead to the water stream by the ridge. As the sun set and crows cawed leaving for their homes. A mother turns her head to see a boy on the verge of passing out from exhaustion running at the speed of a snail with a broken leg. And snails don't even have legs, that's how slow he's moving. The sweat from his hairline has swept down his nose bride and into his eyes, making his vision a blurry stingy haze. He's running like a dog on two legs. Weak arms like noodles, clicking knees and numb shoulders. For how long has he been running? And why?

These were the exact questions that popped into Yuki's head when she saw him from the side of the road, with her back and elbow rested against her bike as she sipped on a can of red bull.

"Is everything okay?", she asked as he staggered past her. All she got was panting and wheezing for a reply.

She threw her leg onto the other side of the bike and turned the keys. She drove on his side keeping up with his pace as she asked him once again,

"Is there somewhere you need to be? I could drop you off", she said.

"hah- Thanks, but- *pant*- I'm fain!"

when he spoke it looked he could choke on his own dry throat any second.

He was definitely not fine. He tripped and landed face first onto the asphalt on his third step.


She had him sit down on her bike.

He had grazed his chin and bright red blood was smudged on his neck and cheeks. Yuki had a cotton boll in her hand and was gently patting the wound with an ointment.

She squeezed the cotton and sanitizer oozed out of it onto the rough sensitive patch of his skin sending a jolt of stinging pain through his nerves as he grimaced and his hand reflexively shot up and grabbed her wrist.

Yuki flinched. He let go and put his hand back down on his thigh. Yuki held down his hand with her own so he wouldn't move again as she cleaned the black stains on his left cheekbone.

"Now tell me, why were you running?", she asked.

"There's somewhere I need to be but when I clocked out of work this morning I saw that my bike had been stolen so I had no choice but to run all the way", he said. It was a little embarrassing.

"Why didn't take my help then?", Yuki asked

"I didn't want to put any burden on you", He said. There was another reason to this, which is that he's also scared of gyarus but ofcourse he wouldn't tell her that.

"I said I'd help up front because I'm prepared to take the burden. Isn't that obvious?", she said as she got up and lent a hand out to him. Over the horizon she saw that the sun was quickly setting as stars were slowly getting more visible.

She threw her leg on the other side of the bike and turned the keys. The bike made a screeching sound and burst into loud revving noises

"Get on", she said to him

He had no choice but to let her help if he wanted to make it in time and sat down behind her.

"Hold me tight ok?", she said over the noise. His head shot up, he turned his head around to see if anyone was looking before biting down on his lip with a red tinge on his cheeks as he braced himself and gently held her waist. He realised she was even more thinner beneath her clothes than she looked on the outside. And not just thinner, her body was chiseled to the point that it was like touching warm glass which has a layer of hot flesh. He couldn't bring himself to hold her tight.

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