• It's Yer Birthday Of Party's! • •Plationic!FleshcousinxReader•

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Long aaah title core
Party.exe reborn my beloved


The reader is a bit mean at the start sort  guys </3

Also guys I plan on making a rainworld story tell me if you wanna see that.....
Okay bye enjoy

Requested by @kat2i_

You looked in slight horror as you stared at the large birthday cake, dark lights flicked on to barely illuminate the room, "Happy birthday!" Was written all over the walls, and a happy tune of the famous "Happy birthday!" Song with yays followed along, suddenly, a figure appeared out the cake.

"It's my birthday!" You slightly tilted your head, looking at the figure confused, it slowly walked its way to the regretevator, it's arms slightly moving on its side, you could see it was made out of a weird substance, and it had a ragged paper mask. You slightly wanted too stay away from it, to run even.

Instead, it looked at you with curiosity. Before looking back, and somewhere else, it seemed the being couldn't focus on one thing at a time. You tried to stay in the opposite corner of the regretevator, not wanting anything too do with it.

Yet, it seemed a bit.. lonely? (HELP LONELY AUTO-CORRECTED TO MONKEY I CANT😭)  You took light footsteps towards the being, it seemed its body was never stable, contently, and uncomfortably moving. You were silently until it slowly turned around, before waving at you slowly as well. "Human of beings of coding to be read to chatter" it said to you, and that only caused more confusion out of you.

You awakwardky smiled at it, before saying your name to it, it looked, you thought it even blinked for the first time that you interacted "Name of Me and Beings and Dust and Paper of flesh of the sparkling and glittery cousins." You tried to put 2 and 2 together, before you spoke up, "Flesh cousin?" It nodded, and you couldn't help but to look it down and up before realizing it was made of flesh and you slightly scrunched up your nose, a bit curious why you couldn't smell the flesh, instead the enternal, yet antagonizing smell of birthday cake and heavy frosting (Maybe that's why it stayed in the cake, to get rid of it's smell? You silently asked yourself..)

You suddenly decided to pull out the white ball from your pocket, before flashing it Infront of the being, it stared for a few seconds, like time was frozen, before it reached out somewhat grabby hands for the ball, interested by its rainbow changing colors
"Rainbow of luck and rain the sky combined to make it full of cloud blood and tears."  You could somewhat tell what it was trying to say, maybe not in the best way though, but non the less you handed the being the ball and its invisible smile seemed to get wider.

It squished the ball until the sound of changing colors could be heard from all around the regretevator, you laughed as you saw the being playing with the ball, seeming to stop focusing on everything around it and also stopped looking around the room, you spoke up, slightly catching flesh cousin out it's trance, "How about we be friends? You and me, flesh cousin?." You offered, not knowing what response you would get anymore.

"Freinds of beings of Birthday and you and rainbow of balls." It responded, and you hoped that was a yes, but you were fortunely correct as it tried to hand you back the white color changing ball and said "Freind of needs and wants and keeps to stay and be with." You shook your head, before saying keep it, and it went back to color changing.



Uh I'm making a angst Chap next where your lamparts sibling before the wallmark devoice (heheheh)

Anyway by

|°~ I love you, is that crazy? •~| REGRETEVATOR X READER ONESHOTSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora