×A cup of tea, Friend?× ×WallterxFem!Reader×

271 3 12

Me when 🧱

Requested by gooblylemmi

I'm in a  bad mental state but THAT GRIND DONT STOPPPPP
Also 600 reads gotta make that serious unpleasant dang it 😞😞😊😊
Sorry for short 😞😭

Light angst(mb had to do it for plot extend)
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It started off as a normal morning, you walked down the sidewalk you remembered every day, the fimilar path set a soothing comfort to your mind, Suddenly, you could hear the loud chattering and the neon orange sign of your favorite place to grab some sweet tea(if u don't like sweet tea just replace it with anykind of tea u like)

You walked in, the jingle of the bells on top of the doors were loud enough for what you thought everyone could hear, a slight bit of uncomfort sinked into you as you noticed how much people were here today, out of all days, why did it have to be now?

You sighed, taking a seat and bouncing your leg, a bit nervous, glancing around the small cafe and slightly questioning some things too yourself, you could hear the jingle's of the bells as you looked behind you, a large, grey figure with God knows what it was made out of walked in, they had a somewhat - dark blue scarf tied around their neck and walked to a table, before they nervously glanced at all the full tables.

They suddenly looked at yours, and panick sat in  'make up a excuse make up a excuses -'  "Hello, friend, is it fine if I sit here?" The figure asked, you glanced at them and took a small note on how their mouth didn't move when they spoke, a odd noise came out of them.

"Of-of course! I don't need all this space to myself!" You silently cursed yourself for how you messed up that simple sentence- the fact your first try came out wrong and how cringy it was, thankfully, the tall figure chuckled softly and sat down, before glancing at the table, they looked deep in thought.

"Well, if we're gonna be sitting together like this we should at least try to get to know each other, how about we tell each other our names, friend?" You nodded to the figure, a bit curious why they called you 'friend' when you two have never have seen each other in probably both of your guys lives, "Well, I'm Wallter, what's yours?"

"Y-y/n, my name is Y/n" you said, hoping you didn't use the wrong tone- or what if they thought your name was bad? You surely though- "Well, what a nice name, friend! I hope we can have a nice chat while we wait, it seems to be a bit busy."

It was your turn to giggle, and you turned to the tall, grey being with a small, actual smile on your face.
"Why, I guess we should."

Timeskip.(This wasn't gonna be here but I realized how short this was and got scared sorry)

After a phew minutes of chatting with the figure, sharing laughs, the waiters finally went up to you and asked for you both for your orders, apparently, you both enjoyed the same flavor of tea! I guess you had something to bond about.

The waiter had taken you and Wallters orders and left, calling it out to some others in the back. You turned around, to see Wallter having a can of soda called 'Grey stuff'? Your curiosity (surprisingly) took the best of you and you asked a question, you learned in your studies that the soda could turn people into concrete for a short amount of time, yet drinking much of it- you didn't know about.

"Quick question, if you-uh, don't mind, Wallter?." , you said out loud, hoping that he could hear you over the loud- extessive chattering of the people enjoying themselves in the cafe, thankfully, he looked up from the unopened can and looked at you, the same smile still implanted on his face.

"Yes friend? Don't be shy to ask me questions." The words were a bit comforting, you took a mental deep breath and asked the question. "Why are you drinking Gray stuff? - I- heard it could turn a person into concrete for a shorten amount of time, and it's not healthy for someone.."

He seemed to have frozen up, in a way and awakwardly chuckled, you looked way more nervous how "oh- I'm sorry if it's a sore subject, you don't have to say anything if you don't wan-"   "No,No, I trust you, Its just you sounded like my Ex-husband a bit, no biggie though."

"Ex? What happened?" He sighed, putting the grey stuff to the side, next to the window which exposed the nice sunny day and roads which looked they stretched for a infinite amount of miles. "Well, Arguments happen, buts it's in the past, and it'll stay there."

"I guess your right" You gave your new friend a comforting smile, before the waiter came back with both of your guy's tea, you said a small 'thanks' before they walked off, you looked back at Wallter, and he looked at you.

"A cup of tea, friend?"


That was so bad bro

I'm making a part2 AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME (beside the requestor...... And the creator of wallter....)
Edit: nah 😞 I'm not I got stressed making this

Sorry the gender wasn't even MENTIONED DAWG 😞😭😭😭

Words:I lost count so imagine how many words
New longest though is what I can confirm (~800)

Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for gooblylemmi

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