+ From the Start..+ -SPLIT X READER-

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A classic song to use, sorry If it's boring.

Dont you notice how?

You laughed at her joke once again, your giggling was noticeable in the regretevator, she looked back at you with her glasses, and smiled,

I get quiet when there's no one else around,
Me and you and awkward silence.

You could of kept giggling to prevent the silence laughing even, yet you stared, a blush appearing on your face, you looked at the floor.
Is this what love felt like?

Don't you dare look at me that way.

You did nothing, yet she still smiled at you, her eyes closed.

I don't need reminders of how you don't feel the same.

Oh the burning pain.

You only listened as she talked to another npc 'bive', you had nothing against the paranoid npc, she never did anything wrong,
Infact she was somewhat nice to you!

Listening to you harp about some, new soulmate.

You only looked, they were doing nothing wrong, so why did it hurt to look? You had to keep reminding yourself this, yet the feeling wouldn't stop.

Shes so perfect, blah blah blah.
Oh how I wish you'll wake up one day, run to me confess your love at least just let me say..that,

When I talk to you, oh cupid, walks right though and shoots a arrow threw my heart.
And I sound a loon,but don't you feel it too?

You could only watch, you didn't want to say anything, you didnt want to look odd or weird.

Confess, I loved you from the start.


What's a girl to do?

You stared at your bedrooms roof, hoping it would give you advice on all your problems,

Lying on my bed staring into the blue,
Unrequited, terrifying.

You were inlove, sick in love, you couldn't stop thinking about her, the way she cared so much about you, the way she made sure you had a smile on your face.

Love is driving me a bit insane,

You got up off your bed, staring at a bundle of roses mixed with yellow and other pink flowers you bought earlier.

Have to get this off my chest,

You grabbed the flower bundle, before walking out your door, heading to the regretevator which wasn't far away.

Im telling you today, that,

You looked at her, she noticed you and put on a smile, you could of sworn you saw something on her face.
You ingored it,
"Hello Y/N!"
She greeted you, you took a big breath before sighing, there was no going back now.

When I talk to you oh, cupid walks right though,

You greeted her, you repeated the same words in your mind. Your hands shook as they were placed behind your back.

And shoots a arrow through my heart.

"I.. I have something to tell you split,"
She looked at you with concern, your heart started beating faster.

And I sound like a loon, but don't you feel it too?

"I, would like to be your partner, now we can totally stay freinds-"
She gently took the flowers, a lone tear in her eyes.
"Y/n, of course I would be your partner, I was gonna confess myself but looks like you beat me too it."

"Confess, I loved you from the start."



split is one of my favorite characters she is loveable and easy to write :D I would turn into bive fr

I really put A LOT of thought into this lol-

Anywys ima do a pest angst oneshot than hit the hay

|°~ I love you, is that crazy? •~| REGRETEVATOR X READER ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now