Lets breakfast!

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After things happened yesterday..

I slept after Haru and Miau,
Just.. making sure he's not doing anything stupid..

Give it a little taste, yeah?
In the morning greets with the sun ray shines in my bed.

I didn't see anyone beside me, but there's a fog.. wait.. it's not a fog.. it's-...

You wake up immediately because of the smoke, you stand up, and saw Haru cooks something with Miau, you quickly approaches him, he burn the food. But Haru doesn't know he did, he just thinks with his Zombie mind that it's not cooked yet.

He wants to cook something for you, but he doesn't really remember how to cook. Since.. he's already a Zombie, you quickly grab a bucket then.. splosh it to the fire, Haru is confused and sad because you ruin his cooking for you.

"N.. no.. rr... Gggr.."
He says, with a sadness tone in his husky voice.

You smiled, you know he's trying to cook breakfast not just for me. But for everyone in this apartment, Miau suddenly go to your lap and she purrs, seeking for attention, you spoke softly trying to not making him more sad without explanation.

"sorry, my dear.. it's just.. the food you cook is burning, it has fire.. and fire is harmful for me, you, and Miau.. you have to be careful, and don't cook alone, understand?"
You said with a warm smile, and then he nods, he looks down like he was sorry.

You then help him cook for breakfast, since.. it's still morning. Miau meows in your shoulder, Haru doesn't really like human food now.. he likes human meat. So you bring some random human limb from the main floor of the apartment, of course.. don't forget to feed Miau some.. RICE! she loves rice.

And then.. "Let's have a breakfast!" <3

(Not finished yet.)

A/N: Hello ^^ sorry! I don't have time to write in the second part, I was too busy studying :'D but.. thanks for checking out my Wattpad, reaalllyyy appreciate your income! Please.. comment and maybe star this Wattpad if you can! Comment me some tips so I can improve time to time ❤️

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