Seventeenth Story - Numbuh 3 meets Numbuh 4's Family

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It was a quiet day in spring, something that wasn't too common in Sector V. Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4 were quietly chatting on the couch, watching a show they were keen on watching — though Numbuh 4 had already watched some of the episodes. It was then after some time later Numbuh 4 checked her watch and turned the TV off.

"Kaitlyn? What happened?"

Tristan asked, turning to his girlfriend.

"It's time to visit my parents, or should I say my family?"

Kaitlyn replied, showing him the time. He quickly jumped up, and sprinted towards his bedroom to wear his suit, since it was Numbuh 4's strict, rich, judgmental, and overprotective parents he was visiting. Once he got dressed, he walked out to find her in a lovely light blue dress adorned in a white flower pattern.

 She had a bow in the same color in her hair, as well as another bow on her dress. He bashfully smiled at her, and grabbed her hand. He twirled her around, and smiled.

"You know, it's weird for us to be visiting them even though we're both only 11 years old."

Numbuh 3 said, reaching for the doorknob. They walked outside, and started walking towards her family's mansion.


"Hey, how come you're okay with visiting? You never....wanted to."

Numbuh 3 asked, recounting a memory of his girlfriend crying after her parents hit her once. He held her hand tightly, waiting for an answer.

"They got therapy along with me, and they're doing alright now. They don't hit me anymore."

Numbuh 4 replied, also recounting a memory which had them being nicer to her for once. She smiled, and ran over to the front door. She climbed the steps, and onto the porch. She rang the doorbell. As soon as it opened, the woman behind the door immediately smiled.

"Kaitlyn! It's been a while. How are you doing?"

Her mother asked, waving and beckoning her to come in. Kaitlyn looked over at Tristan, and smiled.

"Uhm... Well, mother.. I have a guest here today. He's-"

Before she could answer, a squeal came out of her mother's mouth.

"AWH! He's so precious, dear! Are you perhaps my daughter's boyfriend?"

Tristan's face heated up, making Kaitlyn snicker. He nodded quietly, and followed the two inside.


"I suppose you should meet my family,"

Kaitlyn told Numbuh 3, walking down the stairs that led to the basement. Inside, there was an assortment of activities. Like arcade games, for example. Tristan smiled as he noticed the Rainbow Puppy poster next to one with the main character of the show they were watching before. Just then, someone dashed up to him for a hug.

"OMG OMG! Hii! Who are you, cutie?"

Numbuh 3 looked down, and saw a girl that was a bit taller than Numbuh 4. She winked at him as he met her gaze.

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