Third Short Story - SOOPER UH OH FIGHT

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Author 1's Note: I've already revealed Numbuh 3's real name, so I'll casually reveal Numbuh 4's real name. It's Kaitlyn.

Numbuhs 5 and 6 walked down the sidewalk, heading to the treehouse. They started chatting about their previous tea party, and decided that they should host another one. One with way more ridiculous onesies and costumes. Just then, Numbuh 4 dashed past them. The two operatives caught a hint of distress in her eye.

"Numbuh 4??" They said in unison. Numbuh 4 whipped her head around, her face with a terrified expression. Kaitlyn pointed at the treehouse.

"NUMBUH 3'S GONNA KILL ME." She yelled. Numbuhs 5 and 6 stared at each other in confusion, before Kaitlyn sighed. "He accused me of destroying all the decorations for a tea party he was planning." They gasped, and shook their heads.

"You're truly dead." Numbuh 6 said. "I know. But there's no way I'm putting a Rainbow Puppy onesie onto my body and wearing it for 2 hours straight. I'd rather get killed by the hands of that guy." Numbuh 4 said. All of a sudden, she gasped. The two other operatives tilted their heads in confusion


Numbuh 4 sprinted away, back into the treehouse, with Numbuhs 5 and 6 following afterwards. They got into the front porch of the treehouse, and saw the front door completely gone. They looked down, and saw that they were standing on it. They looked back up, and walked inside. The operatives heard faint arguing, and concluded that it was just Numbuhs 3 and 4 arguing. They proceeded to walk away, as if nothing ever happened, but then they saw the two tumbling down the stairs in some kind of wrestling position. 

"TRISTIAN! GET OFF ME!" She shouted as he pinned her down. "NO. YOU VICIOUSLY MURDERED MY POOR DECORATIONS IN COLD BLOOD. ABSOLUTELY NO WAY AM I LETTING YOU GET AWAY THIS." He yelled as he took out her favorite plushie, a kitsune named Kiriko.

"NOOOOO! NOT KIRIKO!" Numbuh 4 yelled as he took out a pair of scissors and held it close to the plushie's neck.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU BUFFOONS DOING?!" A voice echoed from the doorway. They all whipped their heads at whoever said so, and it was their leader, Numbuh 1. She ominously loomed over them, making the others quiver in fear. Numbuh 3 quickly got off of Numbuh 4, and froze as she walked over to them.

"Oh. Numbuh 2 did that." She casually told them as she pointed at the ripped up decorations. "WHAT!?" The two said in unison as Numbuh 1 shrugged. On cue, Numbuh 2 walked into the treehouse, innocently waving at them all. "Hey guys!"

The 4 operatives stared at him in shock, looked at one another, and lunged at him. Numbuh 1 grabbed some popcorn, and watched as they all fought Numbuh 2.

Author 1's Note: If anyone didn't know, this is what the treehouse looks like, except it doesn't grow in Numbuh 1's house:

Author 1's Note: If anyone didn't know, this is what the treehouse looks like, except it doesn't grow in Numbuh 1's house:

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