A Letter To Flowers

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A letter to flowers, best said as a letter to powers.

      Powers that mean well, with powers to cast spells.

Spells for a small act of kindness, just a dash of mindfulness.

       Mindfulness to wear, for one to show you care.

Caring that leaves us reeling, now knowing what someone is feeling.

       Feelings that might make you faint or leaving you wanting to paint.

Paint a Rose, add a Lily, some Dahlia, perhaps an Orchid or two, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Daffodil, and Dicentra, as many Forget Me Nots that I can find because how could I possibly...

       Forget for a moment that a flower could be sent as a letter....

We plant them at graves to show that we're aching, to show strife we can't fight and doesn't feel right.

                                                      Oh no, I'm so sorry, I got carried away.

Yet, I can't help but wonder if I picked enough flowers if maybe it would fill the hole in my heart with something much prettier than this. Never mind the use of tears in place of tap water or connective tissue in place of glass.

                                                                You were supposed to last.

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