The lights of daffodils

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The moon shone in blue light. The round, full source of light has already left the highest point in the sky. He approached him, drawing the horizon with an invisible lasso under the ground, followed by a soldier of thousands of stars.

The field is filled with thousands of flowers, red, blue, purple and yellow. The bees, bugs, and insects were pleasantly buzzing in this late night time. The sounds filled the dark land with life. The frightening spruce edge projected a tremendous shadow on the edge of the medow, which was just overlooked in the middle of the circle.

Terrible sounds came out of the dark. Cutting branches of trees, yowling wolves, growling other wild animals, rustling trees. The wind began to blow, with a huge storm. The trees were like grass, floating by the unstoppable, blowing force of nature. The shadows increasingly pressed out the light of the fine veil of the full moon from the field. The range of vision was getting smaller.

I raised my arms and looked at my high-rise fingers. The light reached my last fingers. I am also caught by the darkness, slowly taking it into his power and swallowing it. My soul was filled with fear, and my hands and feet began to tremble. Something inside suggested that whisperly, “Remain in the light.” I took a few steps toward the realm of lights, which was becoming more and more dull, with less and less of the safe good.

My yellow, mid-foot clothes pulled something into the dark. He stopped me. I didn’t see anything, only the feeling was overwhelming. I began to tug my clothes. I got the little flower shredded back. The lace is on the bottom, with three huge arms tracking to my knees. I didn’t hesitate anymore, I started picking my feet.

Because of the exhaustion that happened in the still bright forest, I could not run. I came for wild narcissus because I knew it could only be found in the famous Blue Spruce Forest. The yellow flowers are magical. A legend says about them, 'If a pure soul touches them, they surrender, but if they are cursed, their roots do not fade. When the time turns into darkness the innocent soul will be saved, the sinner will be offered to the face of Satan.' I never believed it, no matter how dreamy I was.
The forest is fabulous when the sun burns on seven branches, but it is full of signs ‘Don’t stay until dark’. I have been stubborn so far. I don’t know where I’m, I do not know when I’ll be home. My basket with the flowers was lost while I was running. I had already run from the shadows, the unexplained but frightening darkness.

I walk on the edge of light and darkness. I can’t go faster to be sure to stay in a safe place. The darkness comes, the shadows pay attention, the terrifying sounds intensify. Next to me, the flowers are shattered as the darkness sows on them, the grass is curled, the weeds are brown. The world around me is destroyed.

I have tears in my eyes ,which are stinging my pupils. I can’t shut it down, I’ll fall asleep for a moment. And the darkness would come in, I would disappear, like the other sixty-eight men who did not listen to the tboards. I slowly let go of my salty friends. I don’t feel them swirling all over my face, the wind blowing them off my face. I trembled, I was afraid. I was alone in a darkening prairie that was slowly disappearing and dying. I stuck here.

I stopped, there was a little circle left in light, which the moon had yet to illuminate. The trees were growing. The light is standing away. Before the light of the moon completely disappeared, I collapsed. My knees will fall into dry, dead soil. My back reached the hard, sparkly, lifeless soil. The end is here, the darkness is here.

The sun did not rise, but in vain the moon departed with a large army of stars. It was so dark, so dark that I could not see my open hands. The voices intensified. The wind was whispering, the wolves were roaring, and deep murmuring, and loud cries, and the devil’s whirling, which was the lord of darkness. He has appeared, he has come for me, it is not enough that his faithful servants have brought him to his favors, he personally came for me. I felt as if my clothes were tugged again. I resigned myself to my fate

In the dark there was a yellow spot. The dragging was ceased, it was no longer pulled. This bright light was followed by others. They were increasingly rejecting the terrifying sounds, the frightening darkness. The narcissists. I looked around better. The famous magic narcissists will save me. The meadow was lit with yellow flowers, their light as the burning fire, created a huge light cover on the field. There is a spark above my head. It’s rocking softly in the wind, which turned into a breeze. “Sleep, you are safe!” the flower whispered. I listened to him when my soul had been saved from the Lord’s Supper.

No one believed me when I told them that I had survived a night in the darkness of the Blue Spruce Forest. I said the legend was true, they said I was lying. They thought I only dreamed of it all. According to the people who live here, there have been no narcissists in the fields or in the forest for years. In the 1960s and 1970s it was extinct. The fire in High Mooryville has long been extinguished. They no longer believe in legends, the magic is broken. Only I believe, thanks to the magic narcissists. They saved a 12-year-old girl from death. I was saved, Noelani Elidi.

I still believe that narcissists appear only to those whose souls are pure.  That night, these special flowers appeared only to me, which was a true tribute from them, from the secret of the forest.

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