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tw abuse and mentions of rape
Faith's POV


I'm on the floor, in the corner of my room trying to make myself smaller so it's easier to hide.
Hide from him.
Yelling is the only thing I hear right now.


I shiver hiding myself in the corner more, scared but I know that I'm going to get punished either way.

My body still aches from the punishment yesterday, he said the food was disgusting and then proceeded to tell me that I was useless and a waste of space.

I tried for the words to not get to me but deep down I knew it was true. No matter how much I tried to deny it I was a useless and scared girl.

I zoned out for a while but then I heard the door open and there he was. He was standing in the doorway looking at me with rising anger in his eyes.

He started beating me, a fist went straight into my face and then a slap to my cheek was followed.
I can't say that it didn't hurt because it did. It burned but it hurt more thinking I deserved it but now I had to endure it.

I let out whimpers of pain, trying my hardest not to let out my tears because he only got worse when I cried.
He continued punching me for a bit until he decided to kick me with his leg. One kick went straight to my ribs, then to my back, and then I lost the feeling of pain because I was numb. I guess that happens when you get beat up so many times.

Finally, after some minutes that felt like hours, he got bored of it and stopped punching and kicking me.
I thought he was done for tonight but he picked me up,harsly and l threw me onto the bed.

"I'm going to have my fun with you tonight, you whore." He said, poison lacing his words.

I didn't know what to expect until he started ripping off my clothes, as hard as I tried to resist him it only fueled his anger more.
What he was about to do to me then clicked in my head.
"No! No, please don't." I begged, a few choked-out sobs escaping.

I felt his hands violently roaming my body and he let out a moan as he pushed himself into me.

"Shut up, you fucking slut."

I can't move, I can't resist him because he's stronger than me. I feel disgusting and I feel sick like I'm going to vomit any second now.
My head was in the pillows that I wanted so hard to suffocate me to save me from this hell.

I cry and cry but it falls on deaf ears. He's not stopping anytime soon.

"FAITH WAKE UP." I feel someone shaking me.
Help me. Please save me. I beg out not being able to speak.

*End of flashback*

I jolt my body up, sweat consuming my whole body and I feel the tears not stopping. I look at the person whose hand is on me. A soft hold on me.

"Are you okay? It was just a nightmare. You're okay, you're safe." Marco says, bringing me into his hold to hug me.

"I'm sorry." I let out, sobs still escaping me.
His hand was now going through my hair to make me feel okay.

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