Chapter 4 - Attempting to Commit Crimes But Not Really

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Chapter 4 - Attempting to Commit Crimes But Not Really

I walk into class after getting the lecture in the office. By the time I left, the bell rang and 3rd period ended. I swear, people love pushing through the hallways like there's an earthquake or something. Impatient fucks.

4th period for me is art, the teacher is pretty chill so it's a good class to start with. Her name is Mrs. Drew, which is pretty damn ironic if you ask me. But the thing about her is that she's the reason I even have a symbol to write in Principal Applebottom's office in the first place.

"Good morning students, I'm sure you're hungry so I'll keep class mildly low energy today. I'm introducing a new project to you. It's based on street art and at the end, I asked the principal if I could do something special with this project. For now I have some half sheet blank pieces of paper for you to come up with designs, make sure they fit in there but also are big enough to be painted, don't ask why because that will ruin my surprise. Good luck everyone, remember the designs need to be appropriate." Huh, street art huh? I can work with this.

A/N: Fun fact, I did this project in my middle school advanced art class. I'll explain the premise of the project during the story, because if I tell you now, it kinda ruins the surprise.

While I'm sketching out ideas I think to this morning, if Joey wasn't there, would I have just layed there?

Fuck no, what is this? A romance book?

A/N: Yes

Ah, I fucked up my paper......oops.

I get up to get another sheet of paper. I don't know what to draw. I'm so used to not caring about what I write in the office because I always have my previous symbol. Maybe I can reuse it somehow.....I should ask.

My boots cause a few loud stomps on the ground, I hear someone's pencil fall on the ground. Mrs. Drew looks up at me in question.

"Could I get a new sheet? I tore mine." She smiles and hands me a new one and I then ask, "Am I allowed to reuse an idea I drew for a previous assignment? I really like what I made last month for the monogram assignment, and I feel like if I were to make actual graffiti (not that I would), I would use that." She stared at me with a snark I haven't seen before. It only lasted for a little bit but I think I also picked up some amusement on her face too.

"I don't mind as long as you add more detail and change it up, add something new to the already made thing." See guys I told you she's chill.

Time skip brought to you by $20

The bell rings over and over again. One after the other. Anything after art was either shit or hard to understand or both. Lunch is meh. Fuck english. Fuck anatomy. I'm done!

The final bell rings and I run out of campus. I let out a, "Fucking finally!" and go right up to the gates. But right when I step out I knock into a person.

"Ah fuck- watch it!" The tallass turns around and looks at who it is.....Joey.

"Oh sorry Y/N I didn't see you there, I was actually looking for you. But here you are-" Like usual he's going off about nothing. He's excited so I won't stop him, but then again he's always excited.

"What do you need you pocket of sunshine fucker...." His smile is bright, his teeth are bright, everything is too fucking bright. What else do I call him?

"Well...I just wanted to find you to see if you were ok. The principal was pretty mean about what happened and I just wanted to check on you." There he goes again....caring. Why does he do that? He doesn't know me at all. Yeah I saved the guy but.....was the debt not paid back this morning?

"Well I'm fine. I really don't need you to be my medic dammit. This morning was a one time thing." I watched his shoulders drop down in defeat. Even if he's taller than me it felt like he had puppy eyes looking up at me. Now I feel bad. "Ok sunshine, look, I just.....don't need you to worry over me and shit all the time. I get enough of that already...." God Y/N is that the best thing you can come up with? "Head up, now....." Joey does as follows, loyal cute piece of shit- I said nothing you guys hear me. Nothing. "You wanna go help me with a run to our local art supplies store? I would like to get some revenge on Principal I'm-A-Bottom."

A/N: Sorry this took so long for me to write, I finally had a bout of writer's block after writing two more books lol

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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