Chapter 3 - Why the Fuck Do We Need to Go to School?

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Chapter 3 - Why the Fuck Do We Need to Go to School?

A/N: I hope this is good so far, I really don't know what vibe I'm going for yet.

Joey was yapping the whole way to the school. He kept fucking moving around so much too and it was fucking with my bruises. Whatever, he's lucky I'm used to this. He somehow carries me the whole way before I shove myself off of him right before we enter the campus. As "sweet" as this carrying me thing is, if anyone at the high school caught me like that, I would stop going to school completely. On God. (I'm not religious but if I was, it is on God)

Lucky for me, I don't share any classes with him, so I don't have to worry about walking into a classroom with Joey and making everyone in the school think we did something freaky and lost track of time in the morning. Not that it wouldn't be nice......but Joey doesn't seem like the type to be into that anyways. Plus, I've only met him like three times outside of school. All of those times include a lot of fighting and Joey being worried about me. I'd rather not have that.

Before I even say bye to Joey for us to go our separate ways, Principal Jackass turns up out of nowhere.

"Ms. L/N, I was expecting you to be late again, but now you're influencing another student to partake in your delinquency as well. I'm disappointed. Both of you, follow me to my!" I just wanted to go to class. That's all I needed to do, but NoOoOoOo, apparently I need to get jumped, carried and yelled at when I actually want to be responsible.

With no choice but to follow him, me and Joey look at each other and go with him. The walk there was silent and awkward. I could feel Joey staring at me every now and then, like a lost puppy. Which is weird because he's taller than me and can carry me.

Each step I take gets heavier than the last. I wonder what the principal will say this time. It's not like this was the first time I came late and the principal decided to wait for me at the front gate to punish late students. For someone so "busy" with paperwork and meetings (as he tells me everytime he catches me being late), he sure has a lot of time to shove his face into other people's business.

When we step into the school's main office building and through the left hallways as I have done many times before. Joey walks ahead and opens all doors for me as we go through two more turns. I really don't get why he's doing all this for me, don't get me wrong, it's nice, very nice, but why? We finally step into the dinky office that the principal works in. Anytime I come in here I end up drawing a new mark somewhere in here while Principal Applebottom goes out to get a slip I'm supposed to give my parents. So far I have about 34 symbols around this room. I wonder why he hasn't found any of them yet.

"Y/N L/N, what are we going to do with you? This is the fifth time this month you come in several hours late and show up with bruises and bandages. Did you get into a fight again?" He faces me first, his eyes and voice reflecting how tired he was from doing this so many times.

"I got jumped, I don't know what you want me to say Applebottom........."

"Ms. L/N you can't just keep rough housing before school and coming in like you went through the dumpster. You can't keep lying to skip classes.-"

"Actually Principal Applebottom, she did actually get jumped, I was the one who found her afterwards and put on the bandages...." The principal looked at him annoyed.

"I wasn't asking you Mr. Jones, and please don't get involved with her crowd, you have a good record and exceptional grades. You should stay away from trouble." At that, Joey actually looked a little upset, I'm not sure if it was the part where the principal said not to be friends with me or that I was part of "a crowd".

"Excuse me but, I really don't think you should be speaking about Y/N like that, she's right here and everytime she has been late, she has been helping someone. One of those people she helped was me. I also went through the same experience of getting harassed by the other high school's students, so if you have more problems with her being a good person, maybe you shouldn't be principal."

a/n: Boom, drop the mic and walk away Joey, bars.

"You leave me no choice, get out, you have detention for the week-"


"Out! Now!" Joey let out a quick "ugh" before leaving. He looked at me in a way that said sorry and good luck when he closed the door. Man. This fucking sucks.

"And you." Oh right the principal, fucking hell what is it this time. Detention? Suspension?

"Now that you started dragging people into your shenanigans, I need to start taking away privileges. If this happens one more time, I'm going to take away your privileges to go to dances. And after that it will be assemblies and then ultimately graduation." I was about to laugh when he mentioned the first few things since let's be honest no one wants to go to the school events, but the moment he mentioned graduation I froze in my tracks. I can't lose that, my parents want to watch me graduate, who am I to take that. "Do you understand?"

"Yes sir, crystal clear." I begrudgingly agreed. Fine....I'll play nice, just for this year....

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