Malay, English And British Slang Practice

Exercise :

1. Buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih.

British English : Clear out the murky, take the clear.

British Slang : Chuck out the murky, grab the clear.

2. Saya nak suruh awak je yang baiki atap rumah saya kat bahagian dapur, saya tak nak orang lain sebab saya tak ada banyak duit nak upah awak semua, faham tak?

British English : I want you to fix the roof of my kitchen, I don't want anyone else because I don't have much money to pay you all, understand?

British Slang : I want you to sort out the roof of my kitchen, I don't want anyone else because I ain't got much dosh to pay you lot, yeah?

3. Aku rasa nak makan aiskrim tapi perut aku tengah sakit ni, macam mana ni?

British English : I feel like having some ice cream but my stomach is hurting, what should I do?

British Slang : I fancy some ice cream but my belly's playing up, what am I gonna do?

4. Kami datang kepadamu untuk mengucapkan selamat hari raya kepadamu. Mengapa di tempat kami tidak ada hiasan raya?

British English : We come to wish you a happy eid. Why is there no festive decorations in our place?

British Slang : We come to wish you a happy Eid. Why is there no bunting in our ends?

5. Wahai alam, tanah kami telah dihancurkan, tanah kami telah dirampas kebebasannya.

British English : Dear nature, our land has been destroyed, our land has been robbed of its freedom.

British Slang : Oi nature, our land's been proper wrecked, our land's been nicked of its freedom.

6. Langit kami sedang bermimpi bertanya pada hari, di mana matahari yang indah dan ke mana kepakan sayap burung merpati?

British English : Our sky is dreaming, wondering on the day, where the beautiful sun and where the flutter of pigeon wings?

British Slang : Our sky is dreaming, wondering on the day, where the lush sun and where the flap of pigeon wings?

7. Tanah kecilku seperti diriku, berikan kedamaian dan berikan kami masa kecil kami.

British English : My little patch of land is like me, give us peace and give us our childhood.

British Slang ; My little patch of turf is like me, give us some peace and give us our childhood.

8. Hari ini hujan dan cuacanya amat mendung sekali membuatkan keadaan menjadi sangat sejuk dan tidak panas seperti biasanya.

British English : Today it is raining and the weather is very overcast, making it very cold and not as hot as usual.

Slang British : Today it's pissing it down and the weather is proper grim, making it well chilly and not as scorching as usual.

9. Saya sedang minum teh dan juga makan biskut berkrim coklat yang saya belikan untuk nenek saya.

British English : I am having a cup of tea and also eating chocolate cream biscuits that I bought for my grandmother.

British Slang : I'm having a cuppa and munching on some choccy biscuits I bought for me nan.

10. Hari ini hujan dan mendung jadi saya memutuskan untuk tidak membasuh pakaian, apa gunanya membasuh pakaian tapi tidak kering kerana hujan.

British English : Today it's raining and overcast so I've decided not to do the washing, what's the point in washing clothes if they're not going to dry because of the rain.

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