Malay, English And British Slang Practice

Exercise :

1. Kucing itu lapar sebab dari pagi lagi belum diberikan makanan.

British English: The cat is starving because it hasn't been fed since this morning.

British Slang : The moggy is starving 'cause it ain't been fed since this morning.

2. Palestin bukan saja pasal dunia tapi pasal akhirat.

British English : Palestine ain't just about the world, it's about the afterlife.

British Slang : Palestine ain't just about the world, it's about the afterlife as well, mate.

3. Tunggu sekejap.

British English : Wait a moment.

British Slang : Hold on a tick / Wait a mo.

4. Penakut nak mampus.

British English : Scared as hell.

British Slang : Scaredy cat / Wussy as hell.

5. Demi masa sesungguhnya manusia itu berada di dalam kerugian melainkan yang beriman dan yang beramal soleh.

British English : Verily, mankind is in loss except for those who have faith and do righteous deeds.

British Slang : By the clock, mankind's in a proper loss 'cept for those who believe and do righteous deeds.

6. Haram jadah betul punya kawan! Berani dia kentut kat depan muka aku!!

British English : Bloody hell, what a mate! He dares to fart right in front of my face!!

British Slang : Proper dodgy mate! 'E had the nerve to fart right in me face!!

7. Ajal maut dan jodoh adalah ketentuan Tuhan.

British English : Death and fate are God's decree.

British Slang : Death and fate are the almighty's decree, mate.

8. Seluar dalam.

British English : Underpants.

British Slang : Knickers / Undies.

9. Seluar panjang.

British English : Trousers.

British Slang : Long trousers / Full-length pants.

10. Saya nak pergi buang air kecil sekejap, tandas kat mana ya?

British English : I need to go for a wee, where's the loo?

British Slang : I need a quick slash, mate. Where's the loo at?

11. Mak masak banyak makanan sedap-sedap hari ni, kau dah makan ke belum? Kalau belum silalah makan.

British English : Mum cooked a lot of delicious food today, have you eaten yet? If not, please eat.

British Slang : Mum's whipped up loads of tasty grub today, have you had your fill yet? If not, go on and tuck in!

12. Tak apalah saya masih kenyang lagi, nanti kalau saya lapar saya makan lagi.

British English : It's alright, I'm still full, later if I'm hungry I'll eat again.

British Slang : No worries, mate. Still stuffed, I'll just chow down again when I'm 'ungry later.

13. Dah malam buta ni kenapa tak masuk tidur lagi?

British English : It's late at night, why aren't you going to sleep yet?

British Slang : Blimey, it's pitch black night, why ain't ya tucked up in bed yet / Cor, it's proper late at night, why ain't ya hit the hay yet?

English Language Practice (My Personal Collection)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon