A chaotic incident in Sicily (17)

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I knew that f*cking annoying "childhood friend" of mine had died for a disappointing reason.

So, there's no need to remind me from time to time.

I always wished he could get out of my life every time I saw his stupid smile, same with his disgusting close gestures.

Now, he's dead. Seems like the useless God finally listened to my inner voices.

Moreover, I also knew that old woman tried to cover the cause of his death too. Of course, a perfect person like her didn't prefer to leave any stain in her perfect career.

Mother and son, huh? Just a family game that only an idiot like him would believe until death.


'I'm here, right here with you.'

He hugged me tightly, although we weren't that close. It was just because I woke up in sweat and tears.

'You know what? I always dream of a train that travels in the starry night's sky. I saw you sit next to me and the railroad seemed to be endless.'

He had been bedridden for a whole week. I felt like if I didn't wake him up every time I returned to our room, he would sleep for eternity.

Just as the two cold corpses in my recurring nightmare.

Those memories somehow have appeared lately in my head. It's f*ckin strange and annoyed, as I've already forgotten them since a long time ago.

It's true that I used to recall the moments with him, but it's when I was still a child. Six months after he left, they had become faint and were soon replaced by other things that were more important.

After all, my belly couldn't be full and the number of bruises on my body wouldn't decrease by remembering some useless images.

At first, I thought it was because of his death that made me reminisce. However, they happened so frequently to the point that I realized it wasn't normal.

I came to the Medical Apartment, then to Laplace and they all said that it was due to my incomplete Arcane Skill.

Even I don't have a clue what my Arcane Skill can do after numerous experiments.

Put it aside, his "mother" just sent me an invitation to his funeral.

What the f*ck had he written in his diary? Hope I wasn't portrayed as "buddy" or "dear friend". I would be sick to hell if that old woman assumed me by any of those.





XX/XX/XXXX (the day had already been eradicated)

...I just woke up somewhere I didn't remember.

My hands shook a little when I wrote these lines.

How many times will fate steal things from me?

...I won't give up, even if that means I have to lose everything.


Yes, I finally found a way to get rid of him.

Those from M.V. gave me a solution to end my sufferings all these years.

I knew that I would be imprisoned if the Foundation found out.

However, between losing my ego and slaughtering those stealthy criminals in secret, it's obvious that the second option is a wise choice.

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