A chaotic incident in Sicily (14)

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[???: Well, you finally reached this stage of the story. Congratulations! Then, you should have already figured out what was actually happening.]

[???: Here's some long-forgotten fragments of the past, when that ironic Storm didn't lay its finger on anything yet. Take them. These memories were known and cared about by no one, except for their owners who have pretended that they no longer existed.]

[???: There are a total of 3 respective fragments from 3 people that you knew. Remember, I won't say their names because you can guess who they are anyways.]

[???: Don't worry about our ghost friend. He is tougher than you thought. The fact that he had turned into a visible ghost with both thinking and communicating abilities after death is the clearest evidence of his strong will.]

[???: Now, shall we begin?]


The first fragment: a certain year in 1920s, Sicily

(The exact year was forgotten by the owner, yet his memories about that moment were still as clear as a polished mirror.)

The 1920s was a hard time for many criminal organizations in Sicily. Since the new dictator of Italy wanted to spread his regime and strengthen his power in this beautiful island that had had less influence from the government for a long time, he must clear all the tumors which were taking over this place first.

The dictator sent his people to the island and appointed them as the prefect of some important provinces. They had formed a small army force, which came from town to town, capturing anyone they suspected.

To make the suspects submit, the dictator's army would take their family hostage, confiscate their property and publicly slaughter their livestock. Sometimes, testimonies were taken through torture and beatings. Also, some Mafia members whose clans were about to lose in the war with others, would voluntarily cooperate with the new government, so that they could receive protection from revenge.

Charges of those mafia associations were typically aimed at peasants and gabellotti (tenant farmers), but not leveled at those wealthy landowners. In the end of the 1920s, more than 11000 suspects were arrested and trials with a large number of criminals were conducted at the same time. Many were imprisoned, many were internally exiled. And many were executed without the knowledge of anyone.


I once had a family of my own. There was a mother who would bring me a bottle of hot milk before going to bed and a father who had a pair of tan hands that always brought different surprises home at the end of the day.

I couldn't recall their voices or any features of their appearances. Perhaps, it was because of the terrible shock as well as my young age at the time they left me.

Maybe I was 4 or 5 when being thrown to a shabby orphanage in Siracusa. That place was also where I met him.

We shared the same name, same room and even the same height and weight. I had to admit there were so many similarities between us, as if God had planned them all.

Compared to me, his body was so weak that he kept getting sick whenever the weather changed. On the other hand, because of his obedience and enthusiasm, he was more loved by others.

He even comforted me, who had been having a recurring nightmare since I entered this orphanage.

It was right that I liked to befriend him, yet I felt disgusted whenever he used those pitying looks on me.

One day, a weird lady who wore a luxurious white outfit with checked patterns came to this filthy orphanage. I heard from others that she would choose some kids who had special abilities and brought them with her.

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