A chaotic incident in Sicily (11)

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(*Note: I changed the title of this story because the current plot has changed and differed from the original plot.)

As planned, Mozzoni invited Zanelli to have a meal with her to distract him from the office. Before they left, Vertin told the man:

"I want to ask you a favor. Our communication devices have some problems, so we're unable to use them."

Hearing her words, Zanelli slightly raised his eyebrows with a surprised look. Next to the thigh, his right hand was clenched with the thumb inside.

"They were damaged in the fight yesterday. Can we borrow yours to announce a brief information about the case with the Headquarter?"

She lowered her eyes a little, avoiding to meet his eyes. Her action somehow pleased him a lot.

"Unfortunately, we've detected a kind of radio jamming since yesterday."

Zanelli replied while knitting his eyebrows. His tight fist silently loosened.

"We have neither found out the culprits nor the jamming devices yet."

"I knew the situation around here seemed a bit tense because of the conflicts between the mafias. But don't worry, these kinds of situations happen all the time."

He looked at Vertin with a pair of comforting brown eyes which had some vague red strokes inside.

According to Mozzoni, the current Sicily's Chief was about to reach his 40s. However, his appearance seemed to be younger than people around his real age. At first glance, many people may think he was a young man who was in his 20s.

"If you're aware about the suspicious circle drawings which Mrs. Mozzoni has found recently,..." 

A considerate smile appeared on his face. Following it was a softer voice compared to the one on the first day Vertin and Sonetto had heard.

"...I've reported them to the main Office of Italy's branch in Rome. They said some experts in this field will arrive on the afternoon of the 18th, which is also tomorrow."

Although both their group and Mozzoni didn't mention anything about the ritual circles, he already guessed the right topic of their conversation on the car.

"If everything is as you said, then my worries seem to be redundant."

Vertin slightly nodded, showing her agreement with his words.

During their talk, the man just took a quick glance at each member of Vertin's group, then put all his focus on The Timekeeper. Afterwards, Zanelli and the old lady said goodbye to them and left.

At this time, Pavia finally returned from a distant parking lot with another lollipop in his mouth. When he got closer, they could see some small dark stains on his new red shirt, as if it was sprayed by a deep-colored liquid.

"I found some rats along the way, trying to ruin my appetite."

He took out the lollipop from his mouth and complained.

"I'm very sorry about that." Vertin replied in her usual tone, "How about your surroundings? Do you find any souvenir shops that have reasonable prices?"

"Nah, I didn't really pay attention to those shops." 

Pavia shrugged his shoulders.

"Still, there is a well-decorated coffee bar in the south and a tasty-looking dessert shop in the west."

"I recommend that we should go there after all the hard work we've been through." Tennant said.

"Agree, agree!" Balloon Party immediately nodded.

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