A chaotic incident in Sicily (2)

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After 6 hours on the airplane, their team finally landed at Catania airport and was picked up by the staff of Sicily's Office that belonged to the Italy branch. The Sicily's Office was located in Palermo, so they were driven right to Palermo to sign some papers for their appearances and confirm their mission with the Chief of Sicily's Office.

Representing the team were Vertin and Sonetto. They took responsibility for information exchange with the Sicily's Chief, while others were waiting outside. In the Chief's room, an important conservation was taking place.

The orange-haired girl told the Chief in detail the mission given to her team by the Foundation. While she was speaking, Vertin noticed that the Chief's finger lightly tapped a few times on the desk, though there was no sound coming from his action.

"...That was all the information about our mission at Palermo."

"I see." He nodded.

"Well, to be honest, I think the case isn't that serious like you said."

The man calmly refuted her previous words. He clasped his hands and put them on the table.

"It's true that there were some small conflicts in Palermo suburbs that had traces of arcane skill, but we have already caught them."

"So why didn't you report immediately to the Foundation?" Sonetto slightly knitted her eyes' brows.

"Easy there, girl." He crossed his legs, "We just arrested them at midnight. Other staff were all tired after following those criminals' trails day and night. They also need to rest."

Something in his voice made Sonetto feel uncomfortable. When she was about to ask him more details about the case, Vertin gently touched her wrist. That signal told her to stop and wait for her companion to talk.

"Can you send us a copy of the report in the afternoon?" Vertin looked right at his eyes, "Though the case was already solved, we still need it to complete our mission."

In contrast to the exposed emotion on Sonetto's expression, her poker face made the Chief feel a bit nervous. He knew her identity as The Timekeeper, the only person who could survive inside the Storm in this world. From his point of view, she was extremely important to the Foundation and it was clearly no good to mess with her.

"Alright. My assistant will send you the copy right after she finishes it." He had an affable smile on his face.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Vertin slightly nodded.

"It's my responsibility. Are there some things else you require?" He asked.

"Our previous task was to investigate the case. But now it was handled, our team plans to stay here in 3 days to travel around this beautiful land."

"Traveling?" The Chief once again lightly tapped the table, "Have you had any destination in your mind yet?"

"Yes, we will visit some famous art and history attractions at Palermo first, then drive to Taormina for Alcantara Valley and the beach, and in the end, come to Castiglione di Sicilia in Catania. I heard that there were vast vineyards and orange chards in Catania."

"After visiting all of the destinations, we will catch the earliest plight to return to the Headquarter."

Hearing her thorough plan, the Chief gradually lowered his guard.

'No professional investigator would make such detailed travel plans, while even knowing nothing about the status of the mission.' He quietly thought.

"Can you provide us a car so that we can travel by ourselves?" Vertin asked.

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