I Don't Wanna Live Forever

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Chapter 5.

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Soarynn didn't like it.

She didn't like how big it was, how empty it was, how tall the ceilings were, and how her every word echoed off the walls. The President's Mansion was a grand piece of architecture and Soarynn felt she could get lost in it for days without visiting the same room twice. So naturally Coriolanus loved it.

He seemed to love everything now that he was President.

Soarynn's heels echoed off the walls as she walked down the marble floor toward his study. The President's Mansion boasted everything the Districts wished they had. Soarynn came to a stop in the doorway of his study and simply observed her boyfriend as he signed countless documents.

"Sign here, here, and here and...no not there Coriolanus!" Soarynn couldn't help but chuckle as Eudora slapped her boyfriend's hand when he nearly signed the wrong document. Eudora Trinket had arrived at the Snow penthouse the morning after Coriolanus won the election. It had been a most stressful night for the young couple who eagerly tuned into the television, eager to find out who won.

Soarynn had never seen Coriolanus so happy, so proud as he won the election. They'd spent the night making love in celebration of his victory and had planned on sleeping in until he had to go to his first interview the next afternoon. Eudora had different plans and was knocking on the doors at a crisp eight o'clock in the morning.

This woman was possibly the most organized individual Soarynn had ever met. She accounted for everything and for the past month had been ensuring that Coriolanus wasn't late to anything. He'd attended countless meetings, dinners, interviews, and events to celebrate his win and Eudora had been two steps behind him with a binder in her hand.

Soarynn had managed to find some free time to converse with the older woman who told her that the Trinkets had been working for the Presidents for decades. Quite the lineage in Soarynn's opinion.

Right now she was busy scolding Coriolanus as he continued signing his name until she looked up and her green eyes met Soarynn's blue-gray ones. "You have twenty minutes until your next meeting Coriolanus," she told him before gathering all the documents. Soarynn quietly walked into the study, standing by the door and giving Eudora a small smile as she walked out, leaving the couple alone.

Coriolanus grinned as he stood up from his desk and rounded the large piece of mahogany furniture. Soarynn grinned back and let out a squeal when Coriolanus crouched down and wrapped his arms around her thighs, picking her up and spinning her around. Soarynn's hands flew to his shoulders for some stability, "Have I told you how beautiful you look today?"

Soarynn giggled and looked down at her handsome boyfriend and nodded, "Only about twenty times," she replied before leaning down to press a kiss to his lips.

For a moment Soarynn had been terrified of Coriolanus becoming President. Not because she feared who he might become once he gained that type of power, but because she worried he may not see her as a priority anymore.

But Coriolanus silenced those worrying thoughts with affirmations and lots of gestures of affection. He showered her with praise and proudly showed her off to the country. "Well, what's one more time hmm?" He whispered against her lips, his hands squeezing her a little tighter.

Coriolanus walked them over to the large sofa that sat in his study and pulled them both down, sitting Soarynn in his lap. "What did you think of the greenhouse?" He asked her, absentmindedly brushing a stray hair behind her ear. Soarynn hummed while trying to remember the large glass house she'd just explored.

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