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You see when I invited him, I didn't think the sisters would heed my request. But how I did underestimate my authority.

Do not get me wrong, as Madam President, you could do, nearly anything. But as the future Madam President, I was a long way from doing anything. And, still very much accountable to my mother.

Therefore, until the driver alighted from the car, of course, I had entertained an open mind, in case of disapproval.

She agreed! I was ecstatic, yet what really made me more eager and excited about this journey were the expressions on the faces of the others in the room.

Wales, the Yoruba guy who just earned the second nickname in the room, though not yet made public, seemed terrified. With his chubby face and non-blinking eye fixated on the unexpected arrival. He appeared as if he was caught with the national cake in his pocket.

My newly found friend and yet to be trusted housemate, Obi looked furious. His thick eyebrows drawn tightly together. He looked forbiddingly handsome which got me, smirking.

And the last, the annoyance in person, Mallam, looked as he would; amused.  A corner of his red lips drawn up. And, just like me, he was looking forward to the future.

"I think I should leave you guys to introduce yourselves. You can take advantage of this divine opportunity to talk about me behind my back but please, welcome the guest, warmly", I warned before leaving them for the kitchen.

I needed an escape, to calm my bubbly nerves before joining them again.

I came back a while later, after eavesdropping on them the tenth time to make sure they had concluded their introduction process, with a tray in my hands.

I did almost drop the tray when the new arrival looked up at me. The most welcomed guest was undoubtedly astonishingly handsome and far too young. Too young for his own good. I was expecting a human around his late twenties or early thirties not a freaking teenager whose face when he turned to look at me was dashing.

However, it was his matching hair and lips that captivated me; I could not decide if they were a striking color of orange with a tinge of red or a red with an orange undertone. All I knew was that I gripped unto my tray so tightly that the pains in my fingertips aided my mental reset.

Not to imply that others were not goodlooking, that would be far from it. Obi called to mind a diamond in the rough, with a keen edge. A possessive alpha male. Although, Obi was tall, Mallam was longer. If mischief had allowed the latter, he would be too cool for his own good because his clear eye was another thing all together.

Wales, on the other hand, hid his excessive cuteness behind his glasses giving him that untouchable and nonchalant look, that girls go berserk for. And right now I don't know what I am, I could go crazy too.

Wales also wasn't much of a tall guy but he definitely was not short. His chubby face and light complexion made him adorable. And, if the myth is true, if he did convert his chubbiness to tallness later in life, he would have a decent length. In addition, his dark shade of black hair was blacking.

Well, with the little composure I gathered, I moved towards the table.

"Good evening, I am Onyemaechi Adaeze"

Standing up, he shook my hand and smiled. That, and nothing else was all it took to shatter my fragile poise. And before he could utter a word, I had to cut him off; who knew what harm that can cause too?

"Who can assist me in getting the remaining dishes?"

Thankfully, Obi volunteered. At that time, as we walked silently to the kitchen, I discovered that Obi would make a partner in crime even more than I had in mind.

 THE SECOND EDITION Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora