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My best day would take us to the very beginning where I met Future for the first time. In the garden, where the main entrance to my state was located.

I have always been among those assigned to weed the public gardens but I rarely showed my face. And on the days I did, I never do anything.

No one ever complained, partly because my dad was a Chief and partly because I was so notorious that my chief daddy could not even control me. How I did despise the man.

Let me introduce myself; I am the most stubborn male in my tribe, Obiakor. And l am proud of it. I am the chosen specimen of my own tribe. A specimen understudy for Future, the nickname given to the president's daughter.

I did understand why I was chosen to be a specimen, an insect understudy for Future. Getting rid of the 'trouble in camp', which is me, even for a short period of time was not a bad idea. Despite that, we are addressing the issue of the staying of the daughter of a woman! In the Male State!! Not just any woman, the president's daughter !!! This was supposed to be a very dignified choosing process. And, I am definitely not qualified; the wild, untamed me.

The choosing of a 'specimen' became the next most common and major gossip since the rumors of her coming, three months ago was spread. Well, the main news called it; choosing of companions. But, the men, not picked, had to shame those involved.

The rumors pointed out the fact that the three major tribes were required to put forward a young male, between the ages of 18-20 years. And, all other tribes appeared to be doing so seriously except my tribe, which I agree with. The fact that I was chosen made it all a course of a joke. Because, this would have been a perfect opportunity where all the important personage in the house would be showcased. Those groomed in wisdom of perfection and perfection of wisdom. And those components were exactly not my glass of wine. So, why me? And who is this She-Who-Must-Be-Answered?

Her approach was signaled by the rise and fall of murmurs. When everything stopped.  But for the refreshing evening wind. I sensed her arrival setting up a stereotypical, cliche movie scenario.

The garden, already bustling with an unusually high concentration of men brimming with enthusiasm and perspiration, stood and gazed at her. And there I stood so disappointed that the proud me was also dazzled. Goosebumps ran down my spine. I had never given a flower a second thought, yet all I could think of was how lovely it would be to tangle her short, wavy permed hair in white milky roses. Not because she had a Barbie-esque beauty; rather, she was a detailed handwritten note of a charming and brightly smiling beauty, who exuded confidence.

She was already quite gorgeous, and her white gown and plain shoes did little to change that. They just performed their duties of protection and coverage.
Her confidence may only be the added asset to her inherent attractiveness, for all I know. The whole male cluster did not falter her steps. She relished being admired, and she did so unabashedly. With a round face and a hairy physique, Future was tall, slender, and had brown complexion. An Esau made Jacob. She was eye-catching even without makeup or jewelry, save for a pair of small diamond earrings. A total knockout!

"I do not think this one can spread viruses," a nearby man whispered to his companion.
"Even if she did, I would consider it a blessing," his pal retorted. Voicing out my thoughts. With a mischievous smirk, another man approached the gathering, putting his arm around the other two, he stated, "Virus or not, that goddess can only spread health."

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