Chapter 10

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The week out of school flew by fast, and her parents were never once suspicious of her. Damien would pick her up in the morning and drive her to the pack house for the doctor to examine her. Afterwards, they'd hang out awhile until school would be over, then take her home. A few days, here and there, Mike and Rin would play hooky and hang out with them. Rin was allowed on the pack grounds for Olivia's sake.

Damien and Rin forced themselves to get along, trying to keep Olivia happy. Not to mention, if they so much as bickered a little, Mike would shoot them a glare to keep them in check. Which was funny because they were Alphas. But they wanted to keep on his good side because they wanted his approval. Since he was so close to Olivia, his opinion meant a lot to her.

Monday morning, Damien picks Olivia up, per usual for school. They talk along the ride, enjoying themselves thoroughly. As they're getting out of the car, Olivia mentions a movie that's playing that weekend and how she wants to see it. Rin had walked over, though at first they didn't notice it.

"I'll take you to see it." Rin says.

"No." Damien growls. "I'll take her."

"I already said I would." Rin growls back.

"Stop it!" Olivia snaps. "I'll tell you what, whoever can make me burst into laughter first can take me to see the movie. And I mean fully laugh, not just a snicker or a giggle."

"Fine." Damien glares at Rin. "I'm gonna win this."

"No." Rin scoffs. "I will."

Olivia just rolls her eyes then walks off, already done with them two. It makes her so angry. All last week they'd gotten along. Why are they acting like this now? Men are just so annoying.

All day, the two try to make jokes that just came up dry. It's more annoying than funny, so she'll just roll her eyes and ignore them.

The best one Damien could come up with was, "What is small, square, and green? A small, green square." All Olivia did was shake her head and walk away, unamused.

Rin's best joke was, "What is the leading cause of dry skin? Towels." Again, Olivia just rolls her eyes and keeps walking.

The whole day, they continue to come up with dry jokes. This slowly becomes a real challenge, and Olivia almost enjoys watching it unfold. Though, she initially thought one of them would have won by now.

It's finally the last class of the day, P.E. Today they're doing archery. Mr. Johnson had everyone change already and meet in the field. Out in the field are a bunch of targets, with six students per target. Olivia decides to go over to the last target. Damien and Rin follow her, though she's actually waiting on Mike. He'd told her that he'd switched P.E. class over to her class since it works into his schedule better. Damien and Rin are still trying to get Olivia to laugh, though they continue to fail. Mike comes over, bouncing into their group.

Mike looks over at Olivia, and in the worse Irish accent to ever exist, he says, "Aye Lass. Will you be shootin' for your own hand?"

Olivia snorts then begins laughing. She practically falls onto the ground, Mike joins her in laughter. Damien and Rin just look on confused. Mr. Johnson comes over to see what's so funny. Damien shrugs.

"I'm not even sure myself." Rin shakes his head.

"Sorry sir." Mike calms down first. "It was just a dumb joke."

Olivia finally calms down herself and apologizes. Mr. Johnson just shakes his head and walks away.

"I guess you won." Olivia says to Mike. Mike starts dancing.

He sings happily, "I won. I won. Yeah. Who won? I won."

He then stops and looks at Olivia, "Wait. What did I win?"

"The honor of taking me to see a movie Friday night."

He claps excitedly, "YES! BESTIE! TIME!"

Damien and Rin growls.

"Hey." Damien says, "This is between me and Ralph. Not Mike."

"It's Rin and yeah." Rin says, "Mike isn't in the running."

Olivia smirks at them, "I said whoever makes me laugh gets to take me. Mike made laugh, so it's only fair he gets to take me."

Damien and Rin begin growling at Mike, causing him to shrink back. He's still confused. Olivia stands in front of him with her hands on her hips, glaring and ready to fight.

"You two will not harm him. He won fair and square. Understand? So, if you two so much as touch a hair on his head I'll punch the both of you in the face."

Damien and Rin had to crane their necks down to look at her. The chubby, angry girl looks so cute as she tries to seem tough. She's failing and neither of them can take her seriously. She reminded them of an angry teddy bear. No intimidation at all.

Damien coos at her, "Okay. I won't hurt him. But if he tries anything, that promise will be nullified."

"For once, " Rin says, "I actually agree with Damien. He'd better keep his hands to himself."

Olivia and Mike turn to each other and grimace. That just sounds so wrong. The idea of anything close to romance between the two of them is just sickening.

"That's like incest. He's my brother from another mother, you understand that. The two of you are disgusting."

Damien and Rin both relax a bit, knowing that makes them feel a bit better, not a lot, but a little. Mr. Johnson comes over to their group once again.

"I've seen the other two people in your group shoot but not you guys. Let's get this done."

They all apologized then shoot. The three wolves aim perfectly and hit the bulls eye. Olivia, however, has a bit of a harder time. She's still recovering in her shoulder, so it's difficult for her. Regardless she hits the bulls eye.

Problem is it was another group's bulls eye.

The guys all tease her for the rest of P.E. and once it was all over, she stomps off to the girl's locker room, ignoring when all the guys call her name.

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