Chapter 7

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Olivia spends all of Saturday at home. She had put her phone on mute so that she isn't disturbed. The whole day she just goes through her crazy thoughts, still unable to make sense of them. The more she thinks the angrier she gets. She needs answers, and only a certain someone can give them to her. She pulls out her phone to text him.

Olivia: I have questions that need to be answered. When can you get here?

Damien was on the training grounds observing the group getting trained. He was with his group of friends trying to keep himself active. It was hard because the only thing he could do was think of Olivia. Mike had told him how the talk went. It really had him worried.

While standing there with Jared, his phone went off. He saw it was a text from Olivia.

Damien looked at Jared, "I need to go. It's Olivia."

Jared nods, "It's ok Alpha. I have it from here."

Damien thanks Jared and responds to the text.

Jerk Face: OMW

About twenty minutes later, she hears a knock on the door. She looks through the peephole and sees none other than Damien. Opening the door, she lets him in then sits on the couch with him.

She looks him in the eye, "I'm going to ask several questions. You answer honestly."

He nods.

She asks, "Why did you bully me?"

"I don't really have a good reason. It was basically just me showing off. I wanted to make people see me as some sort of big bad Alpha, but in reality, I was just making myself look like a fool."


He averts his eyes and nod. She begins to hit him, though he'd been sure to fully prepare himself for violence. Especially since she slapped him the other day. Olivia stops and regains her composure. She needed more answers.

"If there wasn't a mate bond, would you still be bullying me?" She asks.

He shakes his head strongly, "No. On my birthday, I thought about everything. About how I'm supposed to be the next Alpha. I need to be able to set a good example and can't do that as a bully. Also, you didn't deserve any of it either. I had made up my mind to apologize to you on the first day of school, and when I saw you, I thought it would be a good idea to give you a ride. As I was driving by you, I smelled you scent. My wolf went crazy, and he kept chanting to me that you were our mate. I was so happy to have found you but also so sad because I knew my chances with you were slim, I know that apologizes fix nothing, but I really am sorry."

She hits him again, "You make me so angry, you know that? All you've done is hurt me, and for what? To look cool? And now what? You're apologizing? How are we even supposed to be a couple? How am I supposed to be okay with doing couple things with you? HOW AM I SUPPSOED TO ACCEPT ANY OF THIS?!?"

After each question she throws at him, she smacks him violently. There are tears running down her cheeks from the weird concoction of emotions that fill her heart. Finally, Damien just pulls her into his arms, and she lets him, knowing that all she wants is to be held. He knows that he screwed up, and he knows he can't really fix it. Right now, all he's focused on is keeping her in his arms, as she cries onto his chest.

After a few minutes she's able to stop and once again regain her composure.

"I have more questions." She states shakily.

He nods, "Go ahead. I will try to answer them as best as I can."

"Why do you hate Rin?"

He growls at the mere mention of his name.

"He's trying to take you from me. The future Alpha of a rival pack too. From what I understand, he lost his own mate somehow and wants you to be his Luna now. I refuse to lose you to him. YOU ARE MINE!"

She puts her head in her hands, this being too much for her to bear. It feels as if her head is going to explode with all of the things she's learned. What does she do? Give Damien a chance? Is Rin really into her? Does she give him a chance? Should she just reject everyone? What does she do?

Looking at him, she says, "I need some time and some space."

He whimpers, "I understand. But I will be here for you. If you have any more questions, I'm willing to answer."

He gets up and so does she, then they both head to the door together. Before he walks out, he leans down and kisses her forehead delicately. After he leaves, she locks the door and then goes to her room. She throws herself onto the bed. She goes through her thoughts and emotions, and screams, cries, laughs, and then repeats the process all over again. She really doesn't know what to do anymore.

She decides on not going to school the next day, she just needs more time. When her parents come home, she lies by telling them that she's sick and since she has never tried to skip school before, they don't question it. They just send her to her room. Even though she isn't sick in reality, she's just exhausted.

The next morning, her parents check on her, then ask if she wants one of them to stay home to take care of her. She declines and tells them to just go to work and that she will be fine on her own. The morning was quiet for a while, until she hears loud knocking on her door. She gets up, then looks through the peephole first. Of course, it's Damien and Rin, who are arguing loudly.

She swings the door open roughly, "WHAT IS GOIN ON HERE?"

"I came to check on you." Damien tells her "Mike said you were stuck here sick. I don't know why Richard is here."

"It's Rin." He huffs, "I'm here to check on you as well. Amy was the one who told me about you being sick."

She sighs, "I'm fine. You can both leave now."

She tries to shut the door but Rin stops her, "I need to talk to you."

Damien growls at him, "No. She's my mate. Back off."

Rin snaps his head over to Damien, "She knows?"

"Yes. She found out a couple of days ago."

Rin looks back at her, "Is that why you've been ignoring me?"

She sighs again, "We can all talk. But only on one condition."

Both males nod in sync eagerly.

She points at Damien first, "You go get me an extra cheese pizza from Sal's."

She points at Rin, "You go get me a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting from Sweet Spot."

They both nod in sync once again, then bolt to get the things she requested. Once she closes the door she bursts into laughter. If she must deal with two angry males and her emotions, she may as well get something good out of it. She grabs a soda from the fridge, then sits on the sofa to watch TV.

Rin arrives forty minutes later, and then fifteen minutes after Rin gets there, Damien also arrives. They all sit at the kitchen table, although there was a slight dispute about sharing food with each other. They had given in for Olivia.

"So", She starts, "What is it that everyone wants to talk about? I had been taking a day off to sort out my thoughts."

"You know about wolves." Rin begins, "I would like you to consider being my mate. I know I'm not your true mate, but I will make you happy. I will treat you like a queen."

Damien growls, "I'm her true mate. Not you. So, stay away will ya?"

"But I would treat her better." Rin counters, "You don't deserve her at all."

"I KNOW THAT!" Damien yells, "I'm trying to do right. But the fact is, she is my mate and not yours. So get over it already, okay?"


They both begin to whimper and apologize profusely.

"No. Just let me have some time to think about all of this. I will let you know later, but right now, I'm just not ready." She sighs.

Both of them leave begrudgingly, even though they didn't want to. If they don't give her space, she'll just push them both away and they don't want that.

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