Vanilla, tobacco and whiskey

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"Excuse me?"  We both say in unison while we walk into his cabinet.

So that is why he called us in ?
What if he knows about my dreams-
He probably can read my mind so I'll quickly stop thinking about that

Sara and me where sitting in the same train compartment in the Hogwarts express, that's how we got to know each other. She came originally from a Kurdish pure blood family but someone saw her little sister showing signs of magic so the police started to hunt her family down and eventually killed her father.
She grieves for him till this day.

They ran away to London.

The only friend I had till Hogwarts was my brother Draco, but he seemed more interested in Harry Potter than in studies.

I will never get my brother's obsession with Potter.
I mean I talked with Harry a few times, he's okay, but not someone I would bother to be friends with.

Since Sara was a pureblood too, my family approved of her. In our first summer break we spend a lot of time together in her apartment in London and became best friends.

" Erhem!"
The wizard looked at us.
Oh we still didn't answer.

My thoughts went back to when chamber of secrets was opened in my in Sara's second year in Hogwarts -
The constant panic that was in the castle,
Ginny Weasley's disappearance
Tom Riddle's diary.
To be honest Sara and I had no reason to panic since we both were pure bloods and the monster had no interest in killing us, but let's not talk about that...

Of course our favorite golden boy Harry Potter destroyed Riddles memory in that diary.
Like Potter destroys everything perfect.

First we were very scared, but after all these years we got used to having our lives threatened by something new every year.

"What do you know about Tom Riddles diary?"
The old wizard asked both of us with a stubborn look on his face.
He probably thinks we know something since we didn't answer him for 10 minutes.

We slowly turned our heads at each other.
Sara was shocked to hear that name ever again pronounced not through my mouth.
"Only that Potter destroyed it" I say.
"Yeah and that the Weasley girl brought it to Hogwarts" Sara adds.

I saw Riddle in a dream when I was 12. It was weird. He was with Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter in the chamber of secrets. I didn't know where it was and how they got there.
The next day I overheard a conversation between my father and Harry, in which I realized I've seen the truth in my dream that night.

I saw what happened without even being there.

I guess this is my special ability.
Seeing the truth behind the fog.
Seeing what everyone desires to see.

It's been 4 years. I still think about that dream.
About his perfectly carved face, even his smell that I inhaled in that dream.

Vanilla, tobacco, whiskey.

My heart starts beating faster.

"I want you to see something"

"Especially you Olina."

Hell no. He has read my mind.

That was a bit Sara lore, which you guys needed to understand the further chapters.
Love you guys xx

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