Grandpas vision

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"I've seen a vision, which showed me that you two only, can stop him"

Grandpa has seen a vision and now my bestie and me will be trapped with people we don't know in the fucking 1940s?

Sara finally opens her mouth "what are we gonna say to our families-"

"I have already spoken to your parents miss Malfoy and miss Asti and-"

"Oh great so we don't even have a choice?" I finally debated.
It's great that grandpa Dumbledore trusts his visions and intuition but what if we get killed?
Does he even know if time travel is safe ?
I'm so mad right now. Why me? Why Sara?

"Miss Asti : we told your Mother that we have a special safety Programm for children like you, in which we need to cut all contact to their families in order to hide you from the kurdish government. As you already have a troubled past she instantly agreed for your safety. "

"Oh great so you lied. Now what if we die? I mean it's young handsome Voldemort in the 40s but it's still Voldemort! What are you gonna tell our families?-"

"Miss Malfoy" he interrupted "your mother knows the truth and she agreed."
I feel betrayed, my own mother has sent me away to the 40s voluntarily.

"She shared with us that she always knew you were meant for great things. She knows your prophecy in which it says that only Harry and you can stop the dark lord."

So that's why Draco and my mother always send me to Sara's house when Voldemort comes. They saved me for something great.

My mother's confidence gives me trust in myself.

" okay I'll do it" I give from myself.
Sara in still in shook " it's not like we have a choice.."

"Do you want to say goodbye to-"

"No it will be fast, we'll kill that bitch Riddle and come back" Sara says with a positive big smile.

"We will be back before morning professor" Sara adds with a very slow wink.

In this moment I see, how Dumbledore isn't sure anymore, if we're the right ones for this mission.

"Professor do not worry. That was a joke from Sara." I quickly push her with my elbow.

"Yes Mr.- uh- I mean Professor Dumbledore. We won't kill riddle!" "Only if we realize that we can't stop him- a- and we'll try really hard. Really really hard-heh- I promise-"

"Yes" I add with a thrust-worthy smile.
Sara is a bad liar.

How can someone with angelic looks like Riddle be such a monster, I think. I won't let Sara kill him, till I know for a fact, that he's unfixable.

Sara and I agreed to not say goodbye to our loved ones, because 'we'll back in one week at latest'.

Oh how wrong I was.

Time is our biggest enemy - Tom RiddleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz