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"Fuck life, I really need this shit," Kaitlyn greeted Angela when she opened the door of her car. Kaitlyn threw her handbag on the backseats and made room for Angela. "Hi, it's been a while."

"Hi," Angela smiled and sat inside the car, holding on to her phone tightly once she closed the car door. "Did Kara block you or something?"

Kara was usually Kaitlyn's go-to friend for parties, or even just for a normal hanging out. Angela hung out with them sometimes, but with both of their bubbly personalities it was hard to keep up. So more often than not she found an excuse to either leave early or not go at all.

"Are you jealous or something?" Kaitlyn laughed and drove off the parking spot and on the road. The destination before the concert was unclear, just like always. Whenever Kaitlyn picked her up, it was a surprise, often for both of them. They usually drove until they reached an interesting place, whether it is a bar or just a spot in the woods, then got out and explored.

"No, just asking..." Angela shifted slightly in her seat then looked out of the window. The city she lived in wasn't too big. One part of it was covered in tall buildings and fancy houses, while the other part was a bit calmer, filled with family neighbourhoods and parks. It was a nice balance, plus there were a lot of trees and flowers around the city. It felt cozy.

"What's up with you?" Kaitlyn asked and glanced over to Angela. Her hair was long and brown, not as thick as Angela's of which she was a bit jealous of. Her style was always punk rock, although she sometimes wore something completely stupid and pink to top it off. She was a bit more of a free spirit which Angela loved. The black and silver rings on her fingers matched her black nails . The black skirt she wore showed her slim and long legs of which Angela was again jealous of. She was jealous of Kaitlyn, her looks, her body. She was perfect in her eyes. Even her breasts were the perfect size, a bit towards the smaller size which Angela wanted. She hated it when she put on the seatbelt and the belt split her breasts in half and only make them poke out more. She hated that sight for some reason. Also, she didn't like big bras, they were uncomfortable.

"Just a bad day, I guess... And you? How are you doing?" Angela simply replied, not wanting to go into details at all. Kaitlyn was aware of her problems, Angela talked about it to her sometimes, but she never knew to what extend, not really.

"Oh, I'm good. School's going well. I have two more exams and then I finish my year," Kaitlyn grinned and put the car into a higher gear as they reached a straight non-busy road, leading out of the city. "I have to write a whole god damn paper on how I would promote the rock festival, though."

"M-fest?" Angela asked and glanced at Kaitlyn. M-fest was a rock festival that happened each year in July for four days right outside of the city. It was big enough to host a few bands each day and have around two thousand visitors. "Are you doing a collaboration with them?"

"I wish. It's just a paper. Our professor won't organise such a thing. It would be cool though, give some ideas to the festival and if they like it, they let you actually work with them. Plus, it would be nice to get free tickets for it," Kaitlyn laughed. She was already in her first year of masters in tourism.

"Did you already start writing it?"

"I have a few ideas, but... Not yet. I have two weeks to write it though, so that's more than enough time."

Angela and Kaitlyn have already reached the starting point of the woods. The road that led through it was well kept and lit, so it wasn't at all scary walking there during the night. Angela took Kaitlyn's phone which was already unlocked, paused on a youtube video. She scrolled through the recommended videos before she stopped at one song. I'm a Believer by Smash Mouth. Ah yes, the good old days of Shrek are back. Grinning, she tapped on it and soon enough the speakers in the car started playing the song loud enough for it to be heard outside of the car. Both of them to looked at each other and laughed.

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