A disaster

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After eating her breakfast aleina went to school with her father. Her father dropped her at the school gate and after bidding bye to aleina he went to his office. Her father was a small scale businessman but his being a strict boss at office can make you earn profits but that also affects your family. Her father was a short tempered person and would scold her alot for her mistakes but that does not mean that he does not love her . Her father could do anything to make her happy and aleina knew about that.

Aleina went inside the school. She was headed towards her classroom which was on the second floor. The weather was calm and cool. She headed towards the stairs to go to her classroom.

The door of the classroom was slightly open and she could hear the people talking inside. The fidgeted with her fingers thinking hard how she should react after going inside.

Aleina pov

Should I go inside and sit on my seat quietly or should I greet them....but what should I say...ahhhhhh...its os frustrating...I wish Sara is inside or otherwise I am doomed.......wait a minute I have an idea...I will quickly put my bag on the chair and come outside.... I will wait for Sara outside without interacting with anyone🥳🥳...... I am so genius 😎

Just when she was going to go inside she heard a debate .......  a debate about hair.....her biggest insecurity.she never let her hair open .she always tied them so that nobody would say that her hair are worst than a bird's nest ....harsh comments which people pass to her thinking its funny but their every comment shattered her heart.

The girls in the class were debating about hair

Girl 1: straight hair are the most attractive

Girl 2: bingo!!! I agree

Girl 3: why??? Because you two have straight hair

Girl 1 : you can say so...( she said while flipping her hair)

Girl 2: No not that.. have you ever seen curly hair ...oh my god it is so difficult to deal with that kind of bird's nest.... they don't even brush their hair ....ewwww 🤢

"Bird's nest"

This phrase fell on aleina like a bomb....her classmates are just like those people who are going to taunt her for hair....she can't go inside know...her eyes shimmering with tears....her courage drained and she decided not to go inside ...she came downstairs and decide to wait for her warm sheild to rescue her ... she sat down on a bench in the playground and her eyes fixed on the school gate ..eagerly waiting for a face to appear .....

7:55 am

The school was going to start but there was no sign of Sara... she was never late for school and she had never been absent from school...where was she now??? Why was she not coming ???? These questions were lingering in aleina's mind. Her heart was sinking in fear and her mind was not in her control....what she was going to do now???

Aleina pov

Why Sara Is not coming ???? Was her flight delayed ??? What I am going to do now...  I can not survive here .....tears in her eyes were threatening to fall.. I should go now or otherwise teacher will come in the class

She gathered her courage to go inside in the class and if the teacher came before her then it will be going to be worst thing...all the eyes will be fixed on her for coming late....she did not want that attention...she wanted to remain hidden from everyone only if she could do....standing outside the door once again...collecting her thoughts she grabbed door handle and twisted it to open the door. The squeaky sound of door. Ade everyone to look at her...another disaster...one by one disasters were occurring today

Aleina closed her eyes in frustration and opened them slightly 10 secs later to observe what was happening.....

Aleina pov

I opened my eyes to see that everyone looking at me.....ughhhh .....what should I do now

Suddenly aleina felt a tap on her shoulder....a flame of hope fluckered in her heart that sara might have come and she turned around to see that it was ......her teacher ...not Sara....teacher gestured her to go inside...aleina went inside followed by her teacher....everyone's eyes diverted to teacher making aleina thank god in her heart...taking this chance she sat on the chair that her eyes spotted at that moment....

Sara did not come today how is aleina going to survive today....

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