Warm Sheild

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After 15 years.....
Aleina getting ready in her room for her school which was neat and clean.the bedsheet on the bed was displaying her great interest in cartoons.....pink colour bedsheet with different cartoons printed on it.she was standing in front of a large mirror which was beside her bed and it  was showing the complete reflection of her body...her curly hair were braided and she was
wearing her school uniform.After looking at her final look she went downstairs.


She is an introvert and shy girl.She was quite insecure about her hair.She herself did not know why she was insecure of her hair

Like  another introvert she did not like socialising and preferred living alone except her best friend Sara who was a complete extrovert.Sara was beautiful girl and her long straight brown hair added to her beauty. Aleina was quite fascinated by sara's hair and she wished her entire life that she should have gotten straight hair.Aleina's hair were frizzy and rough as no one in her family had curly hair so she did not know who to take care of her hair.She had never seen anyone with her curly hair in her home town and it made her feel different from others....like an alien.Sara's presence made things easier for aleina. Sara was like a warm shield for aleina. A sheild that would protect her from the world and provide her all the warmth of the world.They both had been best friends for 10 years. They both met on their first day at school and their friendship lasted much longer than they thought.

Back to story........

Aleina came downstairs to have breakfast with her family.Her mother served everyone on the dining table.Aleina's mother noticed slight tint of happiness on her daughter's face and wondered what she was thinking.

Aleina's mother: what happened why are you smiling while eating

Aleina: nothing...it is just that I am meeting Sara today after summer vacation. I could not meet her during holidays as she went abroad to her father for spending holidays.I am quite excited to meet her

Aleina pov

Aleina was quite happy as she was going to meet her best friend after a long time and she was also quite nervous because new students are going to come in their class. The school was suffering from financial crisis due to shortage of students so they decided to merge all the students of the same class. It was like a new and most difficult challenge for aleina but she was somewhat assured that Sara would help her and would do anything to make her comfortable.

Introvert MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora