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"And?" Lilly and Zay asked, leaning forward as the trio sat together at lunch on Monday

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"And?" Lilly and Zay asked, leaning forward as the trio sat together at lunch on Monday.

"And nothing. We got back to rehearsing the dances." Esme explained, causing the duo to deflate as they leaned back.

"Esme, the boy clearly likes you." Lilly stated, causing Zay to nod in agreement.

"He does not."

"Hey, Ezzy." The familiar voice spoke, causing her to quickly look behind her to find the Bowen boy and his best friend standing right behind her.

"Ezzy?" Lilly and Zay teasingly asked.

"Hey, Ricky." Esme spoke, sending the duo a glare before turning back to the duo standing behind her with a real smile. "Hey, Red."

"Hey, Esme." Big Red waved, sending the girl a friendly smile.

"What's up?" Esme asked, turning her full attention back to the Bowen boy.

"I just wanted to thank you again for Saturday." Ricky spoke. "I mean, with you, I probably wouldn't know my right from my left."

"I'm pretty sure you would have been just fine without me." Esme chuckled. "But you're welcome."

"I was wondering if we could do it again?" Ricky asked, causing the girl to get a weird feeling in her stomach. "It's honestly really helping me."

"Sure. How about tomorrow?" Esme suggested. "After rehearsals, we can head straight to my house together."
"Sounds like a plan. Thanks Ezzy." Ricky smiled, waving at the trio. "Catch you guys later."

"See ya." The trio waved the duo away before Lilly and Zay's heads snapped towards the Ortiz girl.

"There's a name!" Zay exclaimed once the boy was out of earshot.

"Ezzy! That's literally the cutest thing I've ever heard." Lilly awed. "And he wants to do it again!"

"Kill me, now." Esme mumbled, letting her head drop forward, causing Lilly to quickly move the tray as Zay replaced it with his hoodie, making the girl hit it instead. "Thank you."

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰

Esme was in the dressing room with Kourtney, going through old costumes and trying to find pieces that could be used for the show.

"Ew." Kourtney scrunched her nose up, pulling a pineapple costume off the rack before throwing it into a box labeled Kill It With Fire. "That is just a crime against fashion."

"We could definitely use this as a piece for Taylor." Esme gasped, pulling a lime green sweater off the rack, making Kourtney nod in approval.

"I like how you think, girl." Kourtney grinned, causing them to continue shifting through the rack. "So, what's going on with you and Ricky?"

love is for idiots; ricky bowenWhere stories live. Discover now