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"Do you really think they're both gonna make it to opening night?" Lilly asked, stretching on the floor as the trio sat in the corner talking as they watched the leads argue back and forth.

"I bet you 20 bucks he won't last a week." Zay answered, smirking down at the girl.

"Hmm. you got yourself a deal Mahar." Lilly grinned, shaking the boy's hand, making Esme roll her eyes.

"You guys are horrible people." Esme shook her head, smiling at the duo. "I don't know, I feel like they both will stick around."

"That comes from the people expert." Zay sarcastically spoke, causing Esme to hit his arm making him chuckle.

"Okay people." Carlos spoke up, gaining everyone's attention. "Let's take it from three counts of eight, right before Troy and Gabriella's entrance for the bows."

Everyone got up and moved out of the way as the dancers began taking their positions in front of Nini and Ricky.

"A five, six, seven," Carlos called, causing Seb to play the piano as everyone on the floor began dancing.

Then finally came to Ricky and Nini's entrance and you could tell Ricky was struggling with the dance.

"I'm sorry." Ricky apologized as he stopped dancing, causing Seb to trail off.

"What is he doing?" Nini asked, looking at Carlos as she gestured to the curly haired boy standing right beside her.

"Why are you talking to him? I'm right here." Ricky asked the girl, confused.

"'Cause you're not here..." Nini answered not even sparing the boy a glance. "Not for the right reasons."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Ricky questioned, sounding hurt.

"What I said Ricky. You hate musicals. " Nini pointed out, finally turning her attention to him. "You're only doing this so we're in each other's grills."

"Back to the dance, please!" Carlos interjected, stepping in between the fighting leads as he tried to usher them back to their starting position.

"Now you're rubbing some weird cologne on your neck." Nini adds, ignoring Carlos as she walks away still going back and forth with the Bowen boy, causing Carlos to walk away.

"Hey, you love Throb!" Ricky added as he followed her.

"And wasting everybody's time by making fun of something that the rest of us take seriously!" Nini snapped, ignoring Ricky's comment.

"Okay, that's five! On a break, people!" Carlos announces, turning to the rest of the cast and crew, ushering them towards the door. "Everybody out! Get out!"

love is for idiots; ricky bowenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora