Chapter 19: Essential Bother

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"It's both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply"



"Natsukawa-san, and Sasaki-kun, could I ask you to help with the middle schooler's school visit?"


Right after summer break started, during my activities for the culture festival execution committee. Sasaki-kun and I headed towards the north building, when our homeroom teacher Ootsuki-sensei lowered her head towards us. Because of this unfamiliar choice of words, I couldn't help but return a baffled question.

"On the 6th of August, we have all the third-years come to school. On that day, middle school students from several schools will be visiting our school, and I was hoping that I could task you with showing a group of them around."

"Huh, that's news to me. But, why me and Natsukawa? We've barely been attending this school for four months..."

Since Sasaki-kun said what I was thinking, I nodded along. I feel like the third-years would be a better fit to show the potential new first-years around. Asking some newbies like us doesn't make much sense.

"About that. I can't really say it out loud, but...This school is requesting the most good-looking students for that duty. And, when I showed them the pictures of the first years, they told me to ask you two."

"Eh, good-looking?" I asked

I couldn't hide my surprise considering I never expected our school to uphold such a practice. I can't really judge myself regarding my personality, but I do feel happy being praised for my good looks. However, hearing that the school was talking about me in that kind of way didn't feel too comfortable all the same.

After all these are adults..

"I know that you're part of the culture festival execution committee, so you'll be at school often anyway. I get that you're busy, but please! Can't you help me out there?" She clapped her hands together, to which Sasaki-kun and I exchanged glances.

Leaving aside their intention with it, I did feel proud to be asked to show around the potential next first-years. That being said, I could also see myself unable to speak because of the tension.

Sasaki seemed to have a trouble expression though.

"I just have one question.. Were we the only two from our class that the school asked?"

I failed to see why that was important but our teacher looked away for a bit then answered.

"There were two more students actually..." Sensei responded.

"Who were they?" He continued.

"Well, There's no real harm in telling you I guess. Sajou Wataru, and Sayuri Koga. Koga rejected the idea and I tried to speak with Sajou's sister as I ran into her here but she said Sajou was already quite busy this summer so she didn't want to add more of a load..."

W-Wataru.. wait busy with what? I'd be skeptical if he was saying it but if his sister is also saying the same thing then it makes me wonder what he's doing..


Sasaki seemed satisfied with this answer. He then looked at me.

"Natsukawa, how about we agree to that? We might get to see the faces of the next first-years, you know?"

"Eh? Yeah..."

Seems like Sasaki-kun is rather positive about it now..

Did he expect her to name those two or something?

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