Chapter 15: Unexpected Offer

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"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

-Benjamin Franklin


Cup ramen. To those who cannot cook for the lives of them, it is quite possibly the most efficient and cheap method of making instant food...

"This is the best..."

It was a weekday's noon—and while I was trying to get my running nose under control, I laid in my own bed, taking a day off school. My head doesn't hurt anymore. I do still have a faint fever, but at least my body doesn't feel as sluggish anymore.

I was able to do a couple of pushups which made me feel good. Then I turned on my game console and that has really cheered me up.

While I was hooked on the game I was playing, my phone vibrated. Looking over, I had gotten a new message. Who's bothering me right now?

'Sajocchi, you alive~?'

Ah, sorry about that, Ashida. It's already lunch break over there, right? She probably must be considerate of me, contacting me even during this time. But, should I even respond to that? She might think badly of me if I said I was slurping up cup ramen and playing video games. I guess I should just thank her for the response, and call it a day.

'It's wonderful being alive.'

That should do it..


Fuck, I accidentally sent it to the group chat.

'Definitely not sleeping, aye.'

'At least he's lounging.'

'Math is super tough after all.'

Yo, Iwata, Iihoshi-san, Yamazaki, don't remind me about math, my headache is gonna come back to haunt me. No, it's fine...since you don't need a good memory for math, even those who suck at that can get high grades.

There's literal apps that know the answer to about every math problem.

I decided to check the time and sadly for me it was one I hoped wouldn't come again..

I gotta drink my medicine...

'—you think?'



I woke up to an odd sound. The TV screen in front of me said 'GAME OVER'. Eh, what? This is an RPG...Wah, it's the pattern where the conversation rushed on ahead, I was forced into a battle, and got one-shot. Crap, I totally fell asleep....Even while sitting here cross-legged. Ah, I was drooling even.

Looking at the time, it was getting close to evening. Once noon passed, I drank more medicine with some juice, and made it to the fourth city in the game, so...I think around four hours passed? Thanks to that, I'm feeling much better.


When I stood up, feeling the sweat on my behind, the doorbell rang. After that, I didn't hear any more sound outside my room. Mom must be out or something...Alright, guess I'll have to answer.


When I looked at the camera at the door, I saw two girls.

The only two girls it could possibly be honestly..

Aika and Ashida.

"W-What happened...?"


It was horrible timing. Right as the two wanted to walk away, I accidentally spoke up. They must have heard my voice, as they approached the camera with their faces.

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