Planet funk is Funked up

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San Diego, CA:

Gabi is in the car with Brie and Nikki back from the mall. Gabi is sitting in the back while the twins are in the front.

"Dude that mall is always so freaking packed," Gabi says as they are driving away from the mall. "they do have good lunch spots there," Nikki says. "San diego, nobody works but people spend money," brie adds.

"Money here grows on trees," Nikki says, Gabi and brie chuckle hearing nikki say that. "I wish i would be picking trees all day," Gabi says looking out the window as her sisters laugh at her statement.

"Like those guys going up like hooked up," brie says ," yeah," nikki says,"Tree cutters," brie says gabi gives her a look. "Brie that's not their name," gabi says giving her sister a look.

Int:wNikki: I did competitive soccer, so you had no time to even do homework, and my parents didn't care, gabi would try and make me but she gave up after a while.

"They wouldn't be called tree cutters cause that would be like cutting down a tree," Nikki says," I think they are called tree trimmers," gabi says," but that feels wrong to say."

Int:Gabi: growing up i was the one more into doing school work but i had a time in junior and senior year where i gave up and so me and the twins don't always sound too smart.*laughs*

"that doesn't make sense," brie says to gabi," i think they are tree trimmers," nikki says," and a tree cutter does?," Gabi laughs at brie. "brie look it up."

"Palm tree trimmer," Brie says embarrassed," let me put cutter." "Brie you're wrong, we're right face it," Gabi says ," it sucks," brie says back as the sisters laugh.

O'Fallen, Missouri:

Gabi is outside sitting with her legs in the pool after working out when comes outside with the dogs running after him.

"hey babe how was your workout," Randy says sitting next to her giving her a kiss. "it was really good, Brandon made me do deadlifts it was horrible," gabi says referring to her trainer.

"so have you talked to your sisters about us putting the house in san diego up for sale or rent," Randy says ," no i haven't," Gabi says letting out a breathe.

Int:Gabi: Me and randy have two homes one in san diego and one here in missouri. But we never really use the home in san diego only when i go visit my sisters which is super rare and we plan on putting up for sale.

"i just don't want to hear like any negative comments like i love our home in san diego but this house is the home i want to start our family in," Gabi says.

Int:Gabi: Me and randy plan on having a baby before i turn 35 but we are both so far into our careers that we want to wait and our home in missouri is the perfect place for us to start a family.

"Well you know the longer you wait the more tension there's going to be," Randy says knowing how her family can get. "Well i'm not worried about that right now, i just want us to be happy that's what matters," gabi says.

Randy stands gabi up and lifts her bridal style," well let me show you what really makes me happy that matters," randy says as he carries her inside the house, Gabi laughs the whole way in as the dogs follow them inside.

San Diego,CA:

Gabi is suppose to go work out with her sisters, She was running late because she went to meet a real estate agent for her house.

When gabi walks in to workout, she sees her sisters fighting and is so confused about what. "So i'm gonna get stuck with everything in San Diego, like all the mail-ins, the ebay stuff?" Nikki says as gabi walks in quietly confused on what's going on.

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