Chapter 1

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May 22...Octopod

Shellington was in his lab, perusing old photographs from when he was Periwinkle's age. He stumbled upon a photo of himself and Capt. Barnacles as youngsters at a summer camp named 'CAMP AUTISM'. It was a simple camp for autistic children, and though they outgrew it, there was a suggestion to return as counselors. However, school commitments took precedence. He is curious whether the camp is still operational today. He took out his phone to research the camp and discovered they now have a website. Browsing through it, he noticed they offer a volunteer service. Shellington then turned to his wall screen and informed Captain Barnacles about the news.

Shellington: Barnacles, you'll never believe what I just found out about our old camp.

Later, Shellington was showing Capt. Barnacles about the news about their old summer camp, he was just as happy as he is.

Capt. Barnacles: This is amazing, Shel! I can't believe their still going on. We can be able to help with the other kids with the other parents. 

Shellington: Think of all of the fun that AJ and Junior will have at the camp. Maybe this will show them that they are not alone beside their father. 

They both chuckled as someone knocked on Capt. Barnacles' door, the poplar bear went over to answer it, it was Tweak, she looked nervous.

Capt. Barnacles: Tweak?

Shellington: What's going on?

Tweak: Uhhh...I need to talk to y'all, it about Gideon.

Chaotic Summer 4: Camp AutismWhere stories live. Discover now