Chapter 14 - The Arrival of Slifer!

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(Y/n) followed behind Yugi for a while in silence, knowing there was a lot on his mind. She followed him all the way to the river, where Yugi moved near the duct's edge. (Y/n) stayed behind and watched him descend the stairs closer to the water. She sighed deeply as she sat down cross legged and watched her friend have a conversation with the spirit of the puzzle.

Her mind raced as she stared at the back of her friends head. She couldn't really hear what he was saying, not that it would matter since she couldn't hear the other half of the conversation. She stayed behind though because she knew this was a private matter between the two, something they needed to talk about together. During their walk, she could just feel the worry rolling off of Yugi in waves. It saddened her that there wasn't much she could do to help her friends in this matter, but she was at least glad she was here for Yugi. Just being there to support him wasn't much, but at least he wasn't alone.

Her ear's perked up at the sound of quick footsteps as a monotone voice called Yugi's name, causing the two of them to look over and notice the running figure coming right for them. (Y/n) yelped and flinched back as the figure jumped and slid down the wall in order to get to Yugi.

"At last Pharaoh, we'll duel for your power." the figure spoke. (Y/n) tilted her head and furrowed her brow at the figure. There was definitely something off about this person. Some would probably think it was the large amount of piercings they had on their face or the way they had dressed, but (Y/n) knew better. The glowing eye on their forehead told her that this was another of Marik's puppet's. She quickly stood up and clenched her fist at the figure. "You just don't know when to quit, do you!" she yelled so she was sure Marik could hear her.

The figure turned to face her, the blank stare she received causing her to flinch. "Of course not, I've spent my whole life being forced to wait for the Pharaoh, my family guarding his tomb, when his power should be mine!" the anger in the voice didn't match the face at all. (Y/n) shuttered a little as the figure turned to face Yami, who switched with Yugi while Marik's attention was on (Y/n).

"Leave her be Marik, I'm your opponent!" Yami called as he put on his duel disk. The figure chuckled as they also placed their duel disk on. "You don't have to worry about your princess Pharaoh, at least, for now."

(Y/n)'s face flushed a bright red at the pet name, out of embarrassment or anger she wasn't sure though. "P-Princess!" she screamed, her voice an octave higher. "Who do you think you are calling me that!" she yelled as she glared at them. If only this was actually Marik, she'd love to punch what would probably be his smug face right about now!

"Don't worry, I'll deal with you after I've gained the Pharaoh's power." the figure spoke, the echoing voice sounding the slightest bit darker, causing some of the color to leave (Y/n)'s face. She gulped as she took a small step back. Those words could mean a number of things, considering Marik believes in his twisted mind that she is the closest to the Pharaoh besides Yugi.

Nothing else was said as the two powered on their duel disks and the duel started. (Y/n) clenched her fists as she stood there, knowing there was nothing she could do to help Yami now, only cheer him on.

Marik started off by summoning a weak monster and (Y/n) could tell the gear's were turning in Yami's head. Yami summoned a more powerful monster and laid a trap behind it. (Y/n) stood there anxiously as she watched Marik summon another monster and fuse them together and use a spell that allowed the monster to attack despite the tournament rules. She called Yami's name as she watched the monster lunge towards Yami's, only for Yami to activate his trap and separate the two monsters again.

(Y/n) sighed in relief, the tension leaving her shoulders while Yami summoned another monster and destroyed both of Marik's monsters. Despite this though, the confidence didn't leave Marik's voice. (Y/n) stared intensely at Marik's side of the field as the figure summoned a gelatinous monster and then a spell card that would summon token monsters every turn.

She didn't think much of it at first when Yami summoned a stronger monster and attacked the slime creature, only to stare wide eyed at it as it just reformed itself. "That's what Revival Jam does Pharaoh, it can't be destroyed!" Marik yelled triumphantly. "But wait, Yami's monster still attacked it! You should have lost life points!" (Y/n) yelled confused. "Not exactly, (Y/n)." Yami said calmly despite the turn of events. "Marik didn't lose any life points because Revival Jam wasn't destroyed." 

The tension returned in (Y/n)'s shoulders as the watched a cage surround Yami and his monster. Barely anything was happening now in the duel, but as each turn progressed, more tokens were created, drawing closer to what (Y/n) dreaded.

As the third token formed, it felt like all of the color had drained from (Y/n)'s face as the sky started to turn dark. She watched in fear as lightening struck down and destroyed the three tokens and the jam creator. She stared up at the sky as the dark clouds started to swirl above them. Lightening struck in every direction as the sky grew darker.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she watched a streak of lightening come right for her. The last thing she heard as she felt it strike her head was Yami yelling out her name before everything went dark.


The darkness was everywhere. Where was here? (Y/n)'s blurry vision tried to stare at her hands, but they didn't look like her hands. She couldn't tell if it was because of her spotty vision or the splitting headache she had. As she looked forward again, she was somewhere else.

Where was she before? What was going on? A Great Evil.

She felt a jolt in her chest at the reminder. They were against a great evil, they were trying to save the world! But... who was she with?

A figure appears before her, their back facing her. They were taller than her, and familiar, but who were they? She squinted her eyes, trying to force her vision to focus so she could see them, but a sharp pain in her head forced her to shut her eyes entirely.

She grasped the side of her head as she groaned in pain. What was happening!

As she opened her eyes again, the figure stood before her still, and rising above them, a dragon. Lightening struck from the dark clouds as the dragon roared, the dragon itself blocking what was before the figure in front of her, preventing her from seeing who the enemy was.

She took a step forward, only to cry out in pain as it felt like fire covered her whole person. She fell to her knee's as she stared out at the figure before her, trying to call out their name, but nothing came out.

She looked up at the sky again, only to find the dragon staring right back at her. Her eyes widened in fear as the dragon roared again. Her blood ran cold as she started to feel faint.

As she felt her body slowly start to fall towards the ground, she heard a voice calling out to her. At first, it was the voice of the figure that stood before her, then the voice melted together with another, only for the second voice to take over.

She shut her eyes as her body collided with the ground, listening to the new voice as darkness took over her again.

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