Chapter 4 - A Tug on the Heart

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(Y/n) jogged as she headed down the street towards the game shop Yugi lived at. They gave her the time they usually meet up, but she still wasn't sure about the distances between where she lives and everywhere else. She smiled wide when she saw the familiar yellow building growing closer. One day she would have to save up and get a watch, maybe she wouldn't be late all the time...

She started to slow down as she got closer to the building, sighing in relief as she watched Yugi just exit the building, meaning she hadn't been late. "Morning Yugi!" she greeted with a wave as she stopped next to him. Yugi turned and smiled at her, adjusting the straps of his bag. "Good morning (Y/n)! Tea called me earlier, she had to go to school early for something, so it'll just be the two of us today." Yugi said as they started to walk to the school. (Y/n) smiled as she ran her hand through her hair. "That's okay, there's always next time." she said with a small shrug.

The two mostly walked in a comfortable silence as they made their way to the school, something (Y/n) was kind of grateful for. She wasn't much of a morning person, and despite worrying earlier about running late, she was actually quiet tired. "Did you leave late (Y/n)? You looked like you were in a hurry when I saw you." Yugi said suddenly, causing her to flinch the tiniest bit. "Oh, no... I'm still not sure just how far everything is from where I live, so I wasn't sure I had left early enough." she said sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm not the best with time management... Serenity never held it against me, but I always felt bad cause I used to make her wait on me a lot..." she said solemnly.

"Well, you wont have to worry about us holding it against you. Joey also runs late most of the time, but we don't blame him for that. He lives a bit further away like you do too." Yugi said with a small smile. (Y/n) just stared at Yugi for a moment before turning to look forward again. "Thanks Yugi, but you don't have to make me feel better." she said in a quiet voice. "I'm not, I promise! I mean it, we're friends after all. We would never hold something like that against you." (Y/n) gave him a small smile when she realized he was being genuine. "Thanks Yugi." "Hey, what are friends for!"

The rest of the walk continued in that comfortable silence as they walked into the building and to their homeroom, where they met up with the others. The rest of the morning, (Y/n) kept glancing at Yugi, smiling every time she remembered their conversation. Yugi was so kind, just like Serenity, it warmed (Y/n)'s heart.

The bell rang, signaling it was time for lunch and the student got up and made their way to the cafeteria. "You guys go ahead, I'll meet you on the roof." (Y/n) said as she stood from her desk and grabbed her bag. "You're not going with us to the cafeteria?" Tea asked as she watched the (h/c) haired girl start to leave the classroom. "Nah, I'm not really that hungry..." she said as she scratched her cheek sheepishly. She gave them a small wave then left the classroom. "Oh well, maybe she had a big breakfast." Joey said with a shrug as the rest of them walked in the opposite direction towards the cafeteria.

Yugi looked back and watched their friends retreating form with a small frown on his face. He kept quiet as he lingered in his own thoughts as his friends talked. He listened to their conversation as they walked to the cafeteria and waited in line. He looked at all the options and grabbed what he wanted then looked at the options again, grabbing another bento. Tea tilted her head as she watched Yugi grab the second bento box. "You hungry today Yugi?" she asked with a small chuckle. "Well... I don't want (Y/n) to go hungry, so I figured I'd get her something." he said as he paid for the food. Tea smiled as she ruffled his hair. "That's really nice of you Yugi."

As they made their way onto the roof, they saw their friend just sitting there staring up at the sky, waiting for them. She looked back down and towards them when she heard the door close. "Hey guys!" she greeted as they all sat around her. Yugi smiled as he sat in front of her and handed her the smaller box. "Here you go (Y/n)." the (h/c) haired girl stared at him surprised as she took the bento. "Yugi... I said I wasn't hungry..." she said in a small voice. "I know, but I didn't like the thought of you just sitting here while we all ate. That's why I got you a smaller bento, so you at least have something to eat." Yugi said with a smile.

A small blush crawled onto (Y/n)'s face as she stared down at the bento in her hands. "Thank you." she said, her voice still small. Yugi smiled wide at her as he opened his. "Of course (Y/n)!" A small smile creeped onto her face as she continued to stare down at the bento in her hands. Finally she opened the box and stared to eat. Yugi didn't know it, but she was actually incredibly grateful for getting her something to eat. As the others talked, (Y/n) savored every bite of food from the bento Yugi had gotten her. It was just like the one she had gotten yesterday, but smaller. It was good knowing there were smaller options now, she mentally tucked that information away as she looked up from her empty bento and smiled at all of her friends, content to simply listen to their conversation. But now, every time she glanced at Yugi, her smile got just a little bigger.

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