Chapter 3 - A Pull

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The gang all walked with each other after the school day ended, showing their new friend all the places they usually hang out. "This place has some really good burgers!" Yugi exclaimed as he pointed at a small joint across the street. (Y/n) smiled wide as she looked over at the restaurant. "I'll have to check it out then!" Joey chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to his side. "There'll be plenty of things to do now that you're here in the city. Serenity told me that you guys didn't do much back home besides visit the library." (Y/n) nodded her head as she shifted her bag to adjust to Joey pulling her closer. "Yeah, I never realized just how much I was missing out on living in that small town."

"Does this mean Serenity wont have anyone to hang out with anymore?" Tea asked sadly as she glanced over at Joey. "Oh, no! Serenity has plenty of friends! She was just my only friend." (Y/n) admitted sheepishly. "She wont be lonely at all!" she said with a small smile. "Her home is filled with so many flowers from her friends since she's gotten out of school early to prepare for the surgery." Joey gave her shoulders a squeeze as the continued to walk down the sidewalk. "Well, Serenity doesn't have to worry about you either, because you've got a great group of friends to look out for you now." he said confidently. (Y/n) giggled as she leaned more into his side. "You're definitely right about that Joey."

Tea smiled as she watched the two, glad to see just how close they were in such a short amount of time. "You two already seem so close." she said aloud. (Y/n) smiled at Tea, then up at Joey. "I think its because of our mutual feelings for Serenity. We both view her as a younger sister, so we just naturally see each other as sibling too." Joey nodded his head as he ruffled her (h/c) hair. "Yeah, it's something I can't really explain. But she's right, I feel like we've known each other a long time already."

The group walked down the street in a comfortable silence until the grew closer to a familiar building. "Oh! This is were Yugi lives! We hang out here all the time!" Joey exclaimed as he pointed towards the game shop. (Y/n)'s eyes widened as she looked at the cute little shop. "You live in a game shop?" she asked Yugi with a bright smile. "Well, technically I live above it." The (h/c) haired girl smiled wider as they walked closer. "I love games! That's so cool you get to live here!" Yugi blushed as he smiled at her bashfully. "Its not that great, but I'm glad you seem to think so!"

"That reminds me (Y/n), why weren't you at school earlier this week?" Joey asked as they walked into the game shop. (Y/n) sighed as Joey removed his arm from her shoulders as they started to walk up the stairs to the living area of the building. "I was suppose to start Monday like I said, but there was some... trouble with the moving..." she said, pausing as she thought of how to word her sentence. "Trouble?" Tristan asked as they entered the living room. "Yeah... something went missing in the move and my parents had a lot of trouble finding it. They asked me to stay home a bit longer to help them unpack while they got that all sorted out..." she mumbled as she sat on the couch. "Did they find everything?" Tea asked as she sat next to her. "Hmm... Oh, yeah, it was all found eventually. The only reason I was late today was because I underestimated the distance and didn't leave early enough. I wont be late tomorrow." she said with a small smile. "Well that's good. If you want, you can walk to school with Tea and I. We usually meet up around the same time every morning." Yugi offered, Tea nodding her head to agree. "Really? That'd be great actually! Thanks!"

The group all hung out for hours, playing games and watching TV. When it started to get late, everyone got up to start heading home. Yugi stood outside the shop door as he watched his friends leave. "I'll see you and Tea tomorrow morning Yugi!" (Y/n) called back as she waved at him. Yugi smiled wide as he waved back at her. "Yugi..." came a soft voice from next to him. Yugi flinched as he turned to face the spirit of the puzzle next to him. "Yami! You scared me!" he said as he walked back into the shop. "Who was that? I've never seen her before?" Yami asked as Yugi walked back up towards the living area of the building. "That was (Y/n), she's Serenity's friend. She just moved here to the city." Yugi explained as he made his way towards his room. "I see, I hope I can be introduced to her as well." Yami said, looking lost in thought. "Oh? I didn't think you'd be that interested in meeting someone new. But then again, she is our friend now." Yugi said with a smile as he sat at his desk and started to work on his homework. "There's something about her, I would like to get to know her too." Yami said, still not looking at Yugi. Yugi watched Yami for a while before going back to his homework. "I'm sure she'd like to meet you too Yami, she seems understanding. We could probably introduce you guys later, after she's settled more into the city and the group." Yami nodded his head as he listened to his friend. He had watched them all while they hung out earlier, he couldn't stop watching her. There was just something about her that he felt drawn too. Maybe if he got to interact with her, he'd figure out why, for now he was content to wait.

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